As you probably know, in December Shoqata e Radio Amatoreve te Kosoves [SHRAK] was admitted to IARU membership. ARRL voted for admission. Recently I was asked by Martti Laine, OH2BH, if the ARRL could assist with equipping the SHRAK club station.


It happens that in 1978 a fund called Project Goodwill was established for the purpose of providing equipment to promote Amateur Radio in developing countries. Most of the donated funds were expended prior to WARC-79 but a few thousand dollars remained. This has been used from time to time over the years. For example, in 2010 we sent $2,500 to Radio Club de Chile to assist them with repairing earthquake damage to their club station. In 2014 we sent $4,000 to the Philippine Amateur Radio Association for emergency communications equipment following a major typhoon. As of the end of 2014 there was just $1,672 remaining in the fund. No further disbursements were made during 2015.


I have agreed to provide the remainder of the Project Goodwill funds to partially fund a transceiver for SHRAK. Martti is arranging for the rest. This will allow us to close out that particular fund, which will make our auditors happy; they have encouraged us to deal similarly with the other small, inactive temporarily restricted funds that appear in our financial statements every year.



Dave Sumner, K1ZZ