Thanks, Kent.


I do have a comment re. Item 2.2 of the Committee’s report.  I believe they were referring to a study by Lerchl et al. that was intended to rebut findings of an earlier study by Tillmann that found GSM-type RF exposure to be a secondary factor in the growth of certain tumors.  I understand that Lerchl’s earlier work  trying to discredit unfavorable RF exposure studies had led some activists to brand him a puppet of the electronics industry.  It appears that Lerchl got a result much different from what he had expected, namely that his study confirmed rather than refuted Tillmann’s work.  We may find that this “turnaround” by Lerchl gets more credence and attention as a result of his past findings.




Marty N6VI



From: arrl-odv [] On Behalf Of Kent Olson
Sent: Friday, July 3, 2015 7:18 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: [arrl-odv:24409] Fwd: RF Safety Committee Report for ARRL Board of Directors


Happy 4th!

Attached is the RF Safety Committee's report for you reading pleasure.



From: "Greg Lapin, N9GL" <>
Cc:, "Kent Olson" <>
Sent: Friday, July 3, 2015 5:20:52 PM
Subject: RF Safety Committee Report for ARRL Board of Directors

Please see the attached report from the RFSC to the Board of Directors.

Comments welcome!


Happy holiday!


73 Greg N9GL