Interesting. I still haven’t seen that ODV message.
Last ODV message I’ve seen is number 16161 from Bruce at
12:16PM today.
Are we having problems with the reflector again?
From: K8JE
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 5:49 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: RE: Letter to Red Cross
would like to restate one suggestion for any new SOU. This is that it
should contain a statement that RC encourages the pubic information people
involved in disaster/emergency operations to acknowledge the assistance of
Amateur Radio operators/clubs in news releases and statements. This
suggestion has nothing to do with an ego trip. Instead, it stems from the
belief that in addition to good PR’s positive effect on our image, recognition
given by RC (or any served agency will stimulate interest in the service (and
bring new members).
you commented concerning the mutual benefit of the ARRL-RC association, RC
publicity of our assistance to them would be mutually beneficial. More
new hams = new folks in the pool of potential operators to help the RC.
Taken to the extreme, no new hams = no help.
Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director
ARRL Great Lakes Division
Bethany Rd.
OH 45040
E-mail:; Tel.: 513-459-0142
ARRL - The Reason Amateur Radio Is!
Members - The Reason ARRL Is!
-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Harrison []
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:28 PM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: Letter to Red Cross
accordance with the instruction of the Executive Committee as recommended by
the Ad-hoc Background Investigation Committee, the attached letter has been
sent to the American Red Cross concerning our now expired SOU.
Joel W5ZN