On December 31, 2018 at 11:44 AM Mike Lisenco N2YBB <n2ybb@arrl.org> wrote:
To the ODV,
It would appear that I am getting out of Dodge just in the nick of time. I fear that now, with our folk hero, our own Pied Piper leading his lemmings to the sea, the agenda that seems to be whispered in the halls of Newington leads me to believe that there will be a vast bloodletting at the January Board meeting.
I find it ironic that the newbies who ran on the platform of transparency have been holding secret meetings amongst themselves with the help of a self-proclaimed elmer leading the way.
I find it sadly telling that Riley Holingsworth, in what may be the best and most heartfelt articulation of the current political climate on the Board, issued a call for cooperation that was completely ignored by the folks who see themselves as the new sheriff in town.
And it is terribly sad that these same folks wish to dismantle everything that has been accomplished over the past few years just because they can.
I am led to believe that their agenda includes radical changes to the management structure and the corporate structure of the League with the planned removal of officers and executive staff from their positions. Should that happen, I believe the backlash from the membership will make last year’s outcry look like a walk in the park.
To those who have become my friends, and you know who you are, I wish you well, good health, and good luck. It has been an honor and a privilege serving with you over the past 6 years.
To those of you whom I’ve come to regard as either brain-dead or just totally egotistical assholes, and you also know who you are, I caution you. Stop walking backwards to move forward, or your legacy will be the planting of the seeds that ultimately grow to destroy the League.
And to the lemmings, don’t bother responding to me. I will no longer be on the ODV remailer and I’ll just bounce your emails back to you anyway.
Ta ta es Happy Trails de Mike N2YBB
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