Dave: After sending the "thanks" e-mail from the Delta Division, I saw Steve's name and call sign somewhere within it. I knew right away Joel and Rick would recognize it right off. Maybe, that is not all bad! We need to hear some positive remarks from time to time. Anyway, thanks Dave! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! I see you all next month! 73, Henry - WD4Q ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ" <dsumner@arrl.org> To: "arrl-odv" <arrl-odv@reflector.arrl.org> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:35 AM Subject: [arrl-odv:14931] Re: Fw: Thanks I've seen a few on each side. If you guys want more positive messages, K4CJX will be glad to see to it -- I've encouraged him to have people address their own Directors, not the whole Board. A few points that can be made in rebuttal: The FCC decided to take a band split that was 50/50 and make it 80/20. The ARRL is requesting that it be 73/27 instead. In other words, we're only talking about 7% of the band. It's the smallest change that corrects the obvious error of shutting down the automatic control digital segment. The existing Extra Class phone subband of 3750-3775 kHz isn't so crowded that, by any reasonable measure, a fourfold increase is necessary. What crowding there is on 75 meters is in the General and Advanced segments. The petition for reconsideration doesn't touch the expansions of those segments in any way. Dave -----Original Message----- From: Joel Harrison [mailto:w5zn@arrl.org] Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:44 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:14926] Fw: Thanks Thanks Henry. So far I've received about 8 similar "Thank You" emails and none (yet?) critical of our decision. Joel -----Original Message----- From: Henry R. Leggette [mailto:wd4q@bellsouth.net] Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:08 AM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:14926] Fw: Thanks Hi everyone, I assumed it was time to share a good old pat on the back with everyone. Since Allen gave "thanks" to the entire "Board". I do believe we made the correct choice on this petition, as I see the results from many, many e-mail here in the Delta Division. 73, Henry - WD4Q ----- Original Message ----- From: "Allen Hundley" <alhundley@yahoo.com> To: <wd4q@arrl.org> Cc: <wa5tmc@arrl.org> Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2006 11:14 PM Subject: Thanks
Henry and Karl
I want to thank you and the other members of the ARRL board for filing the petitions to correct the 'mistake' in the FCC's recent Report and Order regarding Part 97.221(b).
I was one of those who wrote to my congressman and senators on this matter and Congressman Berry did follow up with an inquiry to the Commission. While it is true that the Amateur radio service exists for a number of reasons, in my judgement they do not carry equal weight. Public service and specifically emergency communications support must stand first and foremost in justifying the generous amount of spectrum we have been granted.
As Steve Waterman and other have pointed out, it would be most unfortunate if lives were to be lost in a future major disaster because our tested and proven digital emcomms capability was severely limited due to a recognizable bureaucratic error. If the Commission fails to restore use of the 80 meter frequencies for unattended Winlink 2000 use I am confident a future Congressional inquiry will not be kind in its judgement of the FCC's competence.
Many of us across the country have gone to great effort to sell the need for Winlink 2K Pactor 3 capability to our local emergency management officials. Indeed here in northern Arkansas we have approval to install two such stations early in 2007, one at the E911 Center in Mountain Home and the other in the Baxter County OEM communications van.
We have done our part. We deeply appreciate your support in trying to get this matter resolved before the next major disaster strikes.
Allen Hundley, K5ABH EC, Baxter County ARES/RACES
Chairman, Subcommittee on Communications Baxter County Local Emergency Planning Committee
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