I get that, know you're a competent executive and appreciate you being here.

Some of the members have expressed the fear that the recent change would affect things. ARRL's staff (now including you, at least temporarily!) provides long term stability and continuity, like it has for 100 years.

Change is expected. I appreciate the foresight by certain folks to reach out to you, and you for stepping in. This makes it easy to look members in the eye and assure them everything is fine and initiatives will continue. 

Your idea to have staff contribute to the editorial page aligns perfectly with what members need to see. to understand the deep expertise and value of ARRL!

Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf

On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 1:35 PM Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) <bshelley@arrl.org> wrote:



If I haven’t said this before, I should have. I am fully committed to the initiatives that have been started. In fact, several of them were begun prior to my first retirement. That is one of the reasons I agreed to return. I believe in the direction the organization was taking before I left.



Barry, N1VXY


From: Mickey Baker <fishflorida@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2020 1:23 PM
To: Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) <bshelley@arrl.org>
Cc: arrl-odv <arrl-odv@arrl.org>
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:29664] April QST


Great idea - there has been a lot of concern that the initiatives discussed in recent columns would not go forward. It is good for members to gain faith in the ability of HQ Staff where most of these ideas originated.


Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf



On Tue, Feb 11, 2020 at 10:26 AM Shelley, Barry, N1VXY (CEO) <bshelley@arrl.org> wrote:

The April issue of QST goes to press today and I thought I would take this opportunity to remind the Board of the implementation of a decision made in the 2020 Plan and let you know what I plan to do with the Second Century column.


First, this issue will be initial implementation of the decision to reduce the page count by 16 pages (one 8 page signature in publication’s language) due to the continuing difficulty of sourcing acceptable content and the decline in print ad sales over time. Reviewing the A&F Committee minutes I see where this was discussed with the Committee and included in the 2020 Plan recommended to and approved by the Board. Please understand, this is not an offer to re-open debate on the subject but just a reminder in case a member notices.


Ever since I was asked to take over as Interim CEO, I’ve been considering what to do with the monthly column traditionally written by the CEO. I believe the topics of these columns should be written with an eye to the future of the organization and amateur radio. However, I don’t believe that the membership wants to hear or is best served by the musings of the (admittedly) short term leader of the HQ organization. So I have decided to offer the opportunity to some of the members of the Management Council who the membership doesn’t hear from on a regular basis but whose opinions and thoughts on the Second Century of the organization are important. These people are the ones who are implementing the programs and processes agreed to in the Plan and are on the front lines. Their opinions should matter and this is a way to make that happen. I also have faith in our editing staff to help polish the thoughts where necessary. I will write a short introduction, if necessary, review each submission, and I will always have the option to write a column if there’s a subject on which I or the Board thinks is important enough to hear from the CEO.



Barry, N1VXY



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