This could be a landmine for ARRL. Jim McCellan attempted to start a D-STAR International Coordination Council last fall and it appeared not to gain any support. I see this as another (now closed) attempt to form a group and using JARL and ARRL as large organizations to give this group creditability and visibility. This could be to combat K5TIT opponents, give them and Icom more control and visibility. It appears they want ARRL as a paying member but with no vote? Icom buys many ads with ARRL, so this could be one of the potential landmines. I think ARRL should proceed cautiously, not give this any press or visibility and keep confidential until Dan figures out what is really going on. 73, Greg, W4OZK From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
[] On rather short
notice, President Harrison received a request from JARL President Shozo
Hara, JA1AN, for the ARRL to participate in an organizational meeting of
the D-STAR International Coordination Council on June 14 in the
After consultation,
Joel and I decided that we needed to honor Mr. Hara’s request and
that Dan Henderson, N1ND would be the best person
to represent the ARRL because the group had concerns about
regulatory issues with which Dan was familiar. (I was
in the area the previous day for the West Gulf Division Convention, but
could not stay for the Sunday meeting.) Dan’s report is attached. He has
been candid, so please keep the report
Dave Sumner,
D-STAR Henderson.doc>>