Please see the communication from our CT Counsel with regard to the anonymous letters that have been mailed to ARRL Directors.


Rick Roderick and I discussed making this a potential item to cover on Thursday evening of the January Board meeting, with counsel present, should the Board request more information. 


We are in agreement with counsel that these are the anonymous and exaggerated rants of a single disgruntled ex-employee bent on causing turmoil within the organization through a series of vengeful acts.


Again, I am happy to take your calls to discuss this matter confidentially.









To:       ARRL’s Board of Directors


Re:      Recent Anonymous Communications Transmitted to ARRL’s Board of Directors


Consistent with ARRL’s Policy Governing League Counsel (memorialized in Section 3.9 of ARRL’s Director’s Workbook) ARRL’s Chief Executive Officer has asked us to counsel ARRL in the areas of corporate governance and employment law regarding recent anonymous communications purportedly transmitted to ARRL’s Board of Directors.

My employment partner and I have reviewed the anonymous communications as well as certain relevant ARRL policies and other materials.  We have also discussed this matter with ARRL’s CEO and CFO.

Based on our review of the abovementioned materials and our discussion with ARRL’s CEO and CFO, we do not believe this matter merits further investigation at this time.  The anonymous communications allege workplace morale and employee retention issues but do not allege illegal misconduct. Based on our independent review to date and discussion with ARRL’s CEO and CFO, these communications reflect the view and opinion of a disgruntled former employee. We have advised ARRL’s CEO that it would be prudent to consider adding this matter to the agenda for January’s upcoming Board meeting to responsibly allow the Board to discuss this matter in executive session with outside counsel present such that attorney client privilege can be invoked.

Given the nature of the anonymous communications, we strongly urge the Board to remember its fiduciary responsibilities to ARRL which include the duty of confidentiality. More specifically, the Board should not circulate or make copies of these communications and should also refrain from corresponding or discussing these communications outside of the forthcoming January Board meeting, should the Board decide to discuss this matter.  Circulating and/or making copies of these communications and discussing this matter outside of the forthcoming Board meeting could cause significant harm to ARRL.  

We understand that the Board has a deep passion and commitment to the health and viability of ARRL.  Consistent with this passion and commitment, any allegation of workplace morale and employee retention issues communicated to the Board can understandably cause concerns.  However, please note that we currently view this matter as an HR / employee matter, to be addressed by management personnel with the assistance of counsel where prudent. Accordingly, we advise you not to directly reach out to any employees regarding this matter and wait until the forthcoming January Board meeting to discuss this matter responsibly as set forth above should the Board wish to do so.  A volunteer fiduciary’s direct involvement in an HR / employee matter, no matter how well intentioned, could cause significant damage to ARRL and, moreover, imprudently blurs the line between the roles of volunteer fiduciaries and management personnel.

Should any of you receive inquiries from within or outside ARRL, we strongly advise you not to comment regarding this matter consistent with aforesaid fiduciary responsibilities and to succinctly state that ARRL has engaged counsel regarding this matter and that said counsel has instructed you not to comment at this time.  You should report any inquiries you receive to ARRL’s CEO so that he is aware leading up to the forthcoming special Board meeting.

















Murtha Cullina LLP


Attorneys at Law


280 Trumbull Street







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