This has become SOP for many DXpeditions as well. Make payment for contacts made and choose mail, bureau, and/or LoTW. Some guys charge you for the card and add the ‘option’ of an LoTW now that you’ve paid. OR, you need to pay to get the LoTW confirmation now, versus in 2 years or so when they upload their entire log.
Ria is correct, CO8LY runs FT8 robots on multiple bands simultaneously running up insane totals on the bands. (As does N1UL by the way, whom I have had email exchanges with in the past year when his robots have run amuck)
I don’t know how we would implement this without ramifications. We run the risk of creating more KC0W or UA4WHX type characters who are already out there, racking up hundreds of thousands of DXpedition contacts – and bad mouthing LoTW all the while. And worse, punish the simple guys who just want the confirmation for their DXCC.
From: arrl-odv <> On Behalf Of Bob Vallio
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 11:01 PM
To: arrl-odv <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:31304] LoTW user requiring a PayPal payment before posting a log entry
There's a note about CO8LY in today's issue of The Daily DX accusing him of doing so. I'm not sure if there is an action we need to take, but it surely seems that the possibility of voiding the LoTW certificate of anyone who uses the system for personal gain is a consideration.
73, Bob W6RGG
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