Internet presence is an area where other Amateur Radio groups have very successfully used volunteers. Two examples, with apparent higher traffic than the ARRL.ORG site are QRZ.COM and EHam.com. Note that EHam is closely connected to the specialty site Contesting.com. The sites have features that draw users back to them periodically, such as: 1) Callbooks, with possible personalized additions such as photographs. 2) Classified ads 3) Forums 4) Beginner Q&A Groups 5) News The sites are run by volunteers. Editing access is controlled by password, and the managers of each area generally only have capability to edit their specific area. Securely setting up such capability is a routine task for a computer system manager. Care is needed in selecting volunteers, and volunteers turn over, just like the volunteers in the legacy ARRL positions. See for example, http://www.eham.net/managers/ for a list of those currently serving EHam. This gives people, living in places other than where the organization is physically located, ability to significantly aid the organizations in a 21st century way. QRZ.COM claims 250,000 "members," although members do not need to be dues paying. People certainly connect using the Internet these days. I'm of the opinion that we should start adding capability to have certain ARRL web areas managed by carefully-selected off-site volunteers. There isn't a need for the ARRL to replicate what others are doing. We would be starting too late and are too far behind. The ARRL has a large number of friends, many who would be likely willing to pitch in. I'll put forth a few starter proposals that I expect to introduce at the upcoming Board meeting. Stay tuned. 73, Dick Norton, N6AA