Here is the official announcement of the results of the vote to ratify the ARRL's nominations for IARU President and Vice President. Dave K1ZZ NEWS RELEASE International Amateur Radio Union P.O. Box 310905 Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA FAX; +1 860 594 0259 E-Mail: iaru@iaru.org 18 March 2004 For immediate release Election Results for IARU President and Vice President In voting completed on Tuesday, 16 March, the member-societies of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) overwhelmingly ratified the re-election of Larry E. Price, W4RA, as President, and the election of Timothy S. Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, as Vice President, for five-year terms beginning 9 May 2004. There were 82 votes cast for the election of Mr. Price, with one abstention. There were 81 votes cast for the election of Mr. Ellam, with two abstentions. Mr. Ellam succeeds Dr. David A. Wardlaw, VK3ADW, who has served as Vice President since 1999 but was not available for another term. Larry E. Price, W4RA, has served as President of the IARU since 1999. He holds the degrees Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (electronics major), Master of Business Administration (management major), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) (finance major). Professionally, he retired as Professor and Department Head, Georgia Southern University, in 1991 and is now Emeritus Professor of Finance and Economics. Mr. Price was IARU Vice President in 1983-1984 and served as Secretary in 1989-1999. He has attended 17 IARU regional conferences, six each in Regions 1 and 2 and five in Region 3, and has represented the IARU at every ITU World Radiocommunication and Telecommunication Development Conference held since 1992 as well as at numerous other ITU meetings. He is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). He was first licensed at age 16 in 1951 and held elected offices in the ARRL continuously for more than 25 years, including service as President from 1984 to 1992, until stepping down as ARRL International Affairs Vice President in January 2000. He resides in Statesboro, Georgia. Timothy S. Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, is a Barrister and Solicitor with the law firm of McCarthy Tetrault LLP and is a partner in the firm's Calgary, Alberta and London, UK offices. Born in England, Tim emigrated to Canada in 1972 and holds both Canadian and British/EU citizenship. He earned the degrees Bachelor of Arts, Political Science and Economics from the University of Calgary and LLB, Faculty of Law from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, and is a member of the Law Societies of Alberta and England & Wales as well as of the International Bar Association. He has served as an IARU Expert Consultant since 2000, represented the IARU at the 2002 meeting of the ITU Special Committee on Regulatory and Procedural Matters and the 2002 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference, and appeared as a speaker and panelist at the ITU Americas Telecom 2000 in Rio de Janeiro and ITU Africa Telecom 2001 in Johannesburg. First licensed in 1977 at the age of 16, he has held executive positions in the Radio Amateurs of Canada and one of its predecessor organizations, the Canadian Radio Relay League, starting in 1990. Tim was a delegate to the 1998 IARU Region 2 Conference and was elected to the Region 2 Executive Committee in 2001. He attended the IARU Region 3 Conference in Taipei, February 2004, as an observer on behalf of IARU Region 2. Retiring IARU Vice President Dr. David A. Wardlaw, VK3ADW, was honored for his accomplishments during his term of office at the closing Plenary of the IARU Region 3 Conference in Taipei on 20 February. Dr. Wardlaw served as a member of the Australian delegation to WRC-2000 and WRC-03, and represented the IARU at preparatory meetings of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity. His participation contributed substantially to the favorable outcome for the amateur services.