I thought I’d share this email with you as the included QSL card is beautifully researched! Scott is celebrating 100 years of his callsign, recognizing all those who held it before he did. My QSLs would be extremely boring as I was the first holder of WB2MAE, NW2D, and NA2AA. Enjoy. Begin forwarded message: From: soakland5@gmail.com<mailto:soakland5@gmail.com> Date: December 12, 2023 at 3:33:55 PM EST To: dminster@gmail.com<mailto:dminster@gmail.com> Subject: QSL Contact David, Thank you for the QSO. Please find my QSO card attached. I have also uploaded the contact to LOTW, eQSL, and Clublog. 73, W1AL Contact Data Call: NA2AA DE W1AL Date: 12/08/2023 19:15:31 UTC Freq: 14.080 MHz Band: 20m Mode: FT4 RSTS: -02 RSTR: +05 TX Power: 100w Primary: 26509 QSL by https://www.robertsimoneau.com/products/ [cid:67AB02E6-5934-42EC-B0D2-94FEBC3D46ED]