FYI, as requested, here are the notes from
Steve Ewald’s latest teleconference.
From: Ewald, Steve, WV1X
Sent: Thu 2/28/2008 3:50 PM
To: Patton, David NN1N; Kramer,
Harold, WJ1B
Subject: Summary of February SM
Hello, Dave and Harold.
Here is summary of discussion topics at Tuesday
evening’s SM teleconference. I’ll share this summary with the
participants, Director Edgar and Vice Director Abernethy. Then,
I’ll also send it around on the SM Reflector.
73, Steve
Summary of Highlights from the February 2008 Teleconference
with Section Managers
On Tuesday evening, February 25, the Membership and
Volunteer Programs Office hosted an ARRL telebridge teleconference with the
Section Managers of the Atlantic Division.
We welcomed Scott Bauer, W2LC (Western New York) and Frank
Filipkowski, AD3M (
Chuck reported that Official Observers and Official Observer
Coordinators are trying to initiate their own unofficial e-mail list so that
they may discuss general topics related to the Amateur Auxiliary program.
This may include FCC rules, techniques, protocols and common problems.
The guidelines clearly state that this forum will not discuss or disclose
information or details of any monitoring cases. Such confidential
communication will continue to be handled by private e-mail and or other types
of private correspondence. Section Managers are invited to join the
e-mail list. More information can be found at
Steve introduced the topic of mentoring new Amateur Radio
operators by talking about the recent activities at Headquarters surrounding
the newly-refurbished Headquarters operators’ club station, W1HQ.
Please check this article:
Volunteer Examiner Test sessions continue to provide a prime
opportunity to introduce new licensees to active radio clubs, individuals and
groups in their area in both
Teleconference participants agreed that the new Assistant
DEC and Assistant SEC positions are worthwhile additions to the official list
of Field Organization appointments.
Steve mentioned that the on-line Public Service Communications
Manual has added a new segment to Section II: National Traffic System
(NTS), Chapter Three on NTS Policies. 3.16 -- Volume
Routine Traffic now enables “NTS Area Staff Chairs, in
consultation with their respective staffs, to establish guidelines for volume
traffic in order to maintain the over-all health of the system.”
Steve Ewald, WV1X
Supervisor, Field Organization Team
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio