Hi Marty et al, QSL. Please QRX until we figure how to accomplish this and provide you with the correct information. 73, Harold Kramer, WJ1B ARRL Chief Operating Officer 860 594 0220 From: Marty Woll [mailto:n6vi@socal.rr.com] Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 3:19 PM To: Kramer, Harold, WJ1B; arrl-odv Cc: Inderbitzen, Bob, NQ1R; Petrilli, Diane, KB1RNF Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:19695] FW: (no subject) Hi, Harold. Thank you, Bob and Diane for your responses to my questions. Would it be possible for Dick Norton and I to get the individual responses (with phone numbers) for those in the Southwestern Division who indicated "Not interested", most particularly those who reported dissatisfaction with ARRL? Although you advised that this level of detail is not usually returned in telemarketing campaigns, is it correct to assume that the service providers give you at least the specific names who requested to be put on a Do-Not-Call list as a matter of routine so that we can comply with that request? 73, Marty N6VI ----- Original Message ----- From: Kramer, Harold, WJ1B <mailto:wj1b@arrl.org> To: arrl-odv@arrl.org Cc: Inderbitzen, Bob, NQ1R <mailto:rinderbitzen@arrl.org> ; Petrilli, Diane,KB1RNF <mailto:dpetrilli@arrl.org> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 11:42 AM Subject: [arrl-odv:19695] FW: (no subject) To: ODV Here is the response to Marty's questions from Bob Inderbitzen and Diane Petrilli. 73, Harold Kramer, WJ1B ARRL Chief Operating Officer 860 594 0220 . . .