So sorry to hear about Keith.

Howard, can you please see that an appropriate news release is prepared on our website?

Rick - K5UR 

-----Original Message-----
From: John Robert Stratton <>
To: arrl-odv <>
Sent: Sun, May 26, 2019 6:32 pm
Subject: [arrl-odv:28189] Keith Pugh, W5IU - SK

For as long as I have been fortunate to be a member of this Board, Keith Pugh, W5IU, was at every Texas hamfest I attended promoting ARISS.  He was a great ambassador for the program.

Unfortunately, Keith passed away on May 24, 2019.

Frank Bauer, KA3HDO, ARISS International Chair, has posted a very nice obituary for Keith on See:

We should post a news item about Keith and his passing.

John Robert Stratton
Legislative Director
West Gulf Division
Office:             512-445-6262
Cell:                512-426-2028
P.O. Box 2232
Austin, Texas 78768-2232
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