
Let me echo what Bob said.  Thanks for the memories!  And also for all the friendships gathered up along the way.  It's been 25+ years in the Board room - more than a third of my not-so-short life.  When I started, I even had hair on the top of my head !

Keep up the good work.

With luck, I'll see you all in July.  As I said to several of you, I live so close that coming down to a Board meeting is easy, and is probably cheaper entertainment than going out to the movies.

I will continue as best I can, and perhaps to the chagrin of some, to act as a conscience, welcome or otherwise, to the Board.  While I know you all have our members in mind as you do your work, do have a look at  The first line says:

"ARRL is a representative democracy — its members control its policies through the power of the ballot."

Keep this in mind as you ponder the rules and procedures of our governance.

And now, finally, maybe I can get my antennas put back together and get some real air time.  See you on the bands !!
