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Vol. 34, No. 26

June 29, 2011  --  Covers the period June 19-25.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Administration & Finance Committee

July 14 @ 8:30am in Newington, CT

Programs & Services Committee

July 14 @ 9:00am in Newington, CT

Annual Board Meeting

July 15-16, 2011 @ 9:00am in Windsor, CT

CEO Office

The office will be closed Monday, July 4 in observance of the 4th of July.  Have a safe Holiday weekend!

Media & Public Relations

Reported by Allen Pitts, W1AGP

As of noon the “Monday-after-FD,” we had 27 pages filled with 10 point type of just the headlines and links to FD media hits, plus another 10 pages to links, (over 350) primarily for TV stations, that carried our FD wire release on their news – and they are still coming in.  To see what it looks like, go to www.arrl.org/now-hear-this   State proclamations were achieved in TX, NC, MN, ID, RI, NH, WA, PA, LA, IN, NM, OH, GA, MA, and CA.  As usual, the level and quality of publicity work closely correlated with the importance given to promotional actions by the Section Managers for that area.


Reported by Mary Hobart, K1MMH

The Education & Technology Program mail campaign is expected to mail by July 1 to 75,000 ARRL donors and members.

Contributions have been received toward a new bench to be placed in the Diamond Terrace in memory of Jake Driver, KC5WXA, SK, son of Mickey, AK5Q and Debbie Driver, KD5EFM.

Graphics work has begun on a logo and materials for the Second Century Campaign with Sue Fagan.

Paperwork for the proceeds from the estate of Alfred E. Friend Jr. are ready to file. We are awaiting documentation of our position as beneficiary of the estate.

Invitation letters are ready to mail to new candidates to serve on the Second Century Campaign Committee.


Reported by Joel Kleinman, N1BKE

Khrystyne Keane wrote and distributed the ARRL Letter and produced and voiced ARRL Audio News for June 23, 2011.


Reported by Ed Hare, W1RFI

Spectrum Protection

On a very fast track, Ed Hare and Chris Imlay prepared an 18-page exparte filing for the BPL proceeding, in response to a filing made by the United Telecom Council.

Product Review

Bob Allison started testing a rather complex, all band transceiver. 2 roofing filters and a 23 cm module had to be installed before testing commenced.


The Bob Thacker, K3GT power line noise case in Pittsburgh area remains ongoing.  The FCC has yet to make a decision on it.

Mike Gruber provided EMC Committee Chairman with five suggestions for discussion concerning rules changes.

Mike Gruber looked at hardware used for an ultraviolet light that kills germs in a septic system.  It has been causing interference in the Amateur service.  I will be looking at ways to fix the problem.


Retesting of a submitted homebrew 6 meter preamp, operating a various DC voltages was also completed by Bob Allison.


Bob Allison also completed a book review of a college level textbook covering  comprehensive receiver design and technology.


Zack Lau added the Propagation forecasts for July 2011.  The predicted solar flux is 99.


A higher than average amount of emails came in directed to Bob Allison about various technical topics. All were answered in a timely manner.


The kit building tools and equipment have returned from Plano.  The OSCAR 1 display and related equipment has also returned.

Sales and Marketing

Reported by Bob Inderbitzen, NQ1R

As previously reported, we have been working with Readex Research on a comprehensive marketing survey to help support planning for a digital edition of QST.  Online survey invitations emailed on June 22—already returning nearly 900 completed surveys.  Printed surveys mailed on June 27.  A news announcement about the survey was posted on June 24.  Questions about the survey can be directed to Bob Inderbitzen.

ARRL was represented at the largest Amateur Radio convention in Europe—held in Friedrichshafen, Germany June 24-26.  ARRL representatives included Manager of the Membership and Volunteer Programs Department Dave Patton, NN1N, Chief Technology Officer Brennan Price, N4QX and International Affairs Vice President Jay Bellows, K0QB.  Brennan posted photos throughout the event to the ARR Facebook page.  Dave Patton reported that the team returned with 31 one-year and 23 three-year ARRL memberships (including renewals), and 3 QEX subscriptions.  There were 317 DXCC applications made...making for a particularly busy time!

Broadcast e-mails to ARRL online GUESTS, prospects and lapsed members (domestic and international) have brought in 266 members this month…with another week to go.

A large membership campaign sent in mid-May has returned over 400 members.

An emailing encouraging license upgrades and promoting ARRL License Manuals has returned nearly 60 orders in the past few days.

The warehouse crew fulfilled 811 packages for publication and product orders, 278 membership premiums, and QST mailing supplements.

Planning is underway to introduce a phone group (automatic call distribution) to the ARRL Awards team.  The new phone programming should help reduce bottlenecks when routing calls from the main line.  Similar phone programming has been used by the Sales & Marketing Department and VEC for years—efficiently routing each call to an available staff person.

Mid-year expense and revenue reviews have been completed for each of the department’s divisions (membership, publication and product sales, marketing, fulfillment, and warehouse).

Membership & Volunteer Programs

Reported by Dave Patton, NN1N


Field Day at W1AW was a success!  3,347 contacts were made using CW, Phone and RTTY on 80 through 2 meters.  The highlight of the event was the tremendous activity on 10 and 6 meters.  Sean, KX9X, was “thee guy!” on these two bands!  At one point, W1AW was called by a French Polynesian station on 10 meters CW – at night!  Joe, NJ1Q, Dan, N1ND, and Sean, KX9X, were here to operate the station.  Thanks to Jodi, KA1JPA for operating our GOTA station K1NO.  Visiting hams Cody Codianni, KC2LSD, and Pete Gloistein, KC2PJH, were also on hand to help bring up with the QSO count.

Joe processed regular QSL card requests and 2 Qualifying Run endorsements.  He readied the station for Field Day use.  He also updated the web code practice schedule.  During Field Day, Joe also regularly updated the ARRL Facebook web page with W1AW activity.  He also “tweeted” W1AW FD information on the W1AW Twitter page.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Leona Adams reports that Gary Alberstadt, KA3FZO, of Monticello, Florida, has been nominated to run for the Northern Florida Section Manager’s position for the next term of office that starts in July 2012.  Lowell Bennington, WD4DJW, has been nominated to run for Tennessee Section Manager for the next term starting in January 2012.  Also, incumbent Delaware Section Manager Frank Filipkowski, AD3M, has been nominated to run for a new term of office starting in January 2012.

North Dakota Section Manager Lynn Nelson, W0ND, and other radio amateurs in the section, too, kept in touch with the ARRL Headquarters as they prepared to provide emergency communications assistance for the flooding in and around Minot.

Radio amateurs from Sacramento Valley, Connecticut, Arizona and two from New Hampshire successfully completed their written exams to become Official Observers this past week.  Several observer reports were received about Armed Forces Radio programming that was heard on 7118 kHz.  A follow-up revealed that the Armed Forces’ normal frequency for this programming is 7811 kHz.  Chuck Skolaut explained that it’s possible that the frequency was keyed in wrong because the signal soon moved back to 7811 kHz.

Complaints were received about transmissions heard on 14313, 14310, and 3840 MHz.  Also, a Florida radio amateur reported Spanish who were playing music on 15 meters have been heard.  Several more reports indicate illegal CB amplifiers have been listed for sale on the internet.  Chuck also conducted a tour of headquarters to fill in for one of our volunteer tour guides.


DXCC has completed the months of March and April and are currently processing application submitted at the end of May.

Sincerely Compiled by,

Lisa Kustosik, KA1UFZ

Assistant to the CEO

Hamfest/Member Contact/ARRL Representative/Meetings/Vacations

All Staff               7/4             Holiday

Leona Adams             7/1             Vacation

     ``                 7/22            Vacation

Margie Bourgoin 8/18-8/23       Vacation

Joe Carcia              7/1-7/8         Vacation

    ``                  7/15            Vacation

    ``                  7/22            Vacation

    ``                  7/29            Vacation

Steve Ford              8/8-8/12        Vacation

     ``                 8/18-8/25       West Virginia State Convention, Weston, WV/Vacation

Mike Gruber             7/11-7/15       Vacation

    ``                  8/20-8/27       Vacation

Ed Hare         8/5-8/7         Midwest Division Convention, Cedar Rapids, IA

Dan Henderson           7/5-7/8         Vacation

     ``                 7/15-7/16       BOD Meeting, Windsor, CT

     ``                 8/5-8/7         Rocky Mountain Division Convention, Taos, NM

Mary Hobart             7/14-7/16       BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT

Amy Hurtado             7/8             Vacation

    ``                  7/15            Vacation

Gail Iannone            6/24-?          Sick Leave

Bob Inderbitzen         7/25-7/29       Vacation

       ``                       8/8-8/12        Vacation

Joel Kleinman           7/7-7/8         Vacation

Harold Kramer           7/14-7/16       BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT

Lisa Kustosik           7/14-7/16       BOD Meeting, Windsor, CT

Rose-Ann Lawrence       7/1             Vacation

Bill Moore              8/20-8/21       Alabama State Convention, Huntsville, AL

Dave Patton             7/22-7/25       W0DXCC, Leavenworth, KS/Vacation

     ``                 8/25-8/28       JARL Ham Fair, Tokyo, Japan

Diane Petrilli          7/8             Vacation

    ``                  7/22            Vacation

     ``                 7/29            Vacation

     ``                 8/5-8/12        Vacation

     ``                 8/26-9/2        Vacation

Allen Pitts             7/1             Vacation

    ``                  7/20-7/22       Vacation

    ``                  7/28-7/29       Vacation

Brennan Price           7/13-7/16       BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT

      ``                        8/5-8/6         Texas State Convention, Austin, TX

John Proctor            6/22-7/8        Vacation

Chuck Skolaut           8/20-8/22       Kansas State Convention, Salina, KS

Dave Sumner             7/14-7/16       BOD Meeting/Committee Meeting, Windsor, CT

Sharon Taratula         7/1             Vacation