We’re on a roll…that’s for sure.
Even though you may have read most of this in IN-NEWS (thanks Lisa),
here’s a quick update on what is happening.
This has been a very busy couple of weeks for all of
us here at HQ. Actually, to quote, Mary, K1MMH, we have seen a
“confluence of events” that has escalated the overall interest in
amateur radio nationally. These events include elimination of the CW
examination requirement and the heightened interest in Emergency and Public
Service Communications.
I would like to thank all of you for your extra
efforts during this busy time. All of us Officers, The Board, and the Amateur
Radio community appreciate your efforts.
So what is happening? The Sales and Marketing Department
is still busy selling licensing publications. However, because of the “a
rising tide lifts all boats” effect, Bob tells me that we are selling many
other ARRL publications as well.
We have added some member service enhancements to our
Publications ordering system. Thanks to the efforts of Steve Capodicasa, John
Proctor, Jon Bloom, Amy Hurtado and others, we are now sending most customers
an email with a Federal Express tracking number after they have placed their
order so that they can track the shipment. In the near future, we will be
offering an improved menu of shipping choices as well. Thanks, team - a job
well done.
Other members of the Web/Siebel integration team, including,
Hugh, Micah, Amy, John Proctor and Barry are working on improving our web based
credit card processing. The new web membership pages are being tested and
should be up and running in a few weeks.
As most of you know, we activated our new 24 hour answering
service last week. Around the Clock Telemessaging Service now answers our main
lines, but not our direct lines, after we close. Thanks to Jackie and Bob for coordinating
the process and thanks to Greg for his technical assistance. We are receiving
about 20 – 25 inquiries a day from this service. Most of these are
membership and publication ordering questions. So far, members and prospective
members like this service. We have also made extra efforts to follow up on all
the messages that we receive.
Due to popular demand, we will be printing twenty
thousand additional Band Charts http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/regulations/Hambands_color.pdf
for our members. We will make these available through normal distribution
channels including Directors, SMs, hamfests and conventions. Thanks to Dave
Pingree and Sue Fagan for their outstanding design work.
What can I say about VEC, but thanks to Maria, Perry
and crew for keeping up with a very heavy workload. As Maria has said, they
are “busy, busy, busy.” http://www.arrl.org/?artid=7300
Maria also tells me that the number of hams who want to be VE’s is also
going up. She has also seen a rise in new Technician licensees and Extra Class
as well as the expected upgrades to General.
On the publications side, QST will feature a special 8-page
Field Day insert in the June issue. Joel Kleinman is leading this effort. This insert will be
full of Field Day tips, tricks, and techniques and a little whimsy! Based on
positive comments we have received, our Field Day Bug seems to have created
quite a buzz (ouch) with our members.
Also on the publications side, during the next few
months we will be introducting these new books: Low Power Communications, The Antenna Book -21st Edition,
The DXCC Handbook, The General Q &A, and The General Class License Manual based on
the new Question Pool. Steve, Shelly, Sue, Maty and the publication group have
been busy!
In the MVP Department, Sharon and Bill report that DXCC
and Outgoing QSL Bureau activity is up. Is this the rising tide again? It may
be due to contest season but, according to NN1N, some of the activity is due to
the two new DXCC entities that we added last summer. Logbook of the World
activity is up and we are trying to keep up with the high demand for user
Norm also reports that, based on his survey and
anecdotal evidence carried back by our intrepid traveling staffers, Hamfest attendance
across the country is also up
MVP is still in the process of hiring the new EmComm
Manager. We have received over 25 applications and Dave P, Kay Craigie and I
are reviewing them. We hope to have the new position in place by May.
Mary reports that she is selling “a ton of
bricks” since we began promoting The Diamond Terrace on the web site and
in QST. Diamond Club memberships are also up 35%.
That’s my brief update. Let me know if you have
any questions.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio
Telephone: 860 594 0220
email: hkramer@arrl.org
web: www.arrl.org/