Hi, Dave.
Thanks you for taking the time to digest, analyze and
crtique this lengthy report. You make many valid points, but I am
concerned that the tone of the letter is more political than necessary to make
your point and that the inclusion of broad criticisms unrelated to BPL detract
from the core message you are trying to convey.
I have taken the liberty of editing the letter to address
the above concerns. The attached mark-up version will show the changes I
am suggesting. I hope you will find them helpful.
Marty Woll N6VI
Vice-Director, Southwestern Division
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 2:28
Subject: NTIA's Broadband Report
Unless I think better of it overnight or someone talks me
out of it, I intend to distribute the attached critique tomorrow.
I encourage you to download the NTIA report yourself. It's
at http://www.ntia.doc.gov/reports/2008/NetworkedNationBroadbandinAmerica2007.pdf
<<Networked Nation