The response was predictable. Remind me again, this is a hobby, right? Doug K4AC -----Original Message----- From: Joe Subich, W4TV [mailto:w4tv@subich.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:32 PM To: k4ac Subject: Re: [dxlab] Warning: Crimea Doug, Pardon my bluntness but that's bullshit! It essentially says a station signing UF6V in Abkhazia can be worked for Russia even though Abkhazi is sovereign Georgian territory (in rebellion) - the same for Crimea. Similarly, if the Turkish government were to issue, for the sake of argument, TA0 calls in Northern Cyprus (since there is not enough separation from the mainland to consider it a separate DXCC Entity) and those stations said "Cyprus Province" of Turkey instead of "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" *they* would count for Turkey. The answer is *CRAP* and treats Crimea (as well as potentially Abkhazia and S. Ossetia) differently than Kosovo and TRNC. It would also recognize Moroccan claims in Western Sahara - again a case in which Crimea is being treated differently. 73, ... Joe, W4TV On 3/25/2014 9:46 PM, Doug Rehman wrote:
Below is the response.
73, Doug K4AC
Upon request of the CEO, Awards committee evaluated the situation at present in Crimea against the DXCC rules. As the interpreter of the rules, the following is the Awards Committee’s decision on how to “count” QSOs with stations operating from Crimea.
Crimea is not a DXCC entity. Neither Russia nor Ukraine is a rare entity and the vast majority of confirmations used for DXCC credit for either entity do not involve Crimea.
DXCC Rule 4 reads: "4. Confirmation data for two-way communications must include the call signs of both stations, the entity name as shown in the DXCC List, mode, date, time and band. Except as permitted in Rule 1, cross-mode contacts are not permitted for DXCC credits. Confirmations not containing all required information may be rejected."
A QSL with a call sign issued by the administration of Ukraine and showing the entity name as Ukraine counts as Ukraine.
A QSL with a call sign issued by the administration of Russia and showing the entity name as Russia counts as Russia.
A QSL that satisfies neither condition does not count for either entity.
-----Original Message----- From: Joe Subich, W4TV [mailto:w4tv@subich.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:00 AM To: k4ac Subject: Fwd: [dxlab] Warning: Crimea
Any reply from NC1L? It's been more than a week since Russia annexed Crimea and plenty of time to announce that the rules will be followed.
If they're not going to announce that the rules will be followed, when are they going to add Kosovo, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Abkhazia (UF6V) and S. Ossetia all of which are similar "disputed territory" to the DXCC list?
... Joe, W4TV
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Fwd: [dxlab] Warning: Crimea Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:25:42 -0400 From: Joe Subich, W4TV <lists@subich.com> To: Doug Rehman <doug@k4ac.com>
When is the ARRL DXCC Desk going to follow the rules and announce that stations in Crimea no longer count for DXCC?
Rues are rules - failure to enforce them to the letter returns the DXCC program to the "bad old days" of Baldwin's reef, etc.
73, ... Joe, W4TV
Consistent with the rules of DXCC, effective with the annexation of Crimea by Russia today [Tuesday], Crimea in occupied territory or an area "in rebellion" against the lawful government. As is the case in other disputed areas like the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kosovo, Russian enclaves (Abkhazia and South Ossetia) in Georgia, etc., contacts with stations in those areas should not count for DXCC.
Pending official word from the DXCC desk, Ukrainian callsigns with 'J' as the first letter of the suffix will be removed from the next version of the DXCC database used by DXLab Suite. The call signs effected begin with UR#J through UZ#J, EM#J through EO#J, and U5J.
When announced by Russia, the block(s) of Russian callsigns assigned to the "Crimea Oblast" will also be removed from the Russian entries in the DXCC database used by DXLab Suite.
LotW will need to cancel certificates for any calls in the effected blocks and eQSL.cc will need to apply end dates to any accounts for the same calls.