As you all know Wade's EE knowledge, love of ham radio, boardsmanship and willing service to ARRL will be sorely missed by members of the Midwest Division and our board.
While Joel's news (phone call relayed by Janice) came as a shock it wasn't a complete surprise. Wade was not his usual spot-on self two Sundays ago at the KS convention in Salina, and last Thursday he asked me to cover him at Joplin, mentioning he thought he could be headed for the hospital again. When my report email went un-commented on I was afraid he might indeed have been sent to the hospital, but goodness -- this was not expected. I suspect he may have been more concerned than he let on.....
Wade had health issues 2+ years ago and was found to have a leukemia-like condition. The Drs thought it was not as serious as leukemia, but the nebulous nature of it was troubling. He'd improved enough by election cycle time to re-run, but was having troubles again the last few months -- in particular the past 3 weeks.
If I hear further details that haven't been passed along I'll QSP.   73 OT     Bruce