Gee, I didn't know that Barry was such a bad guy! See below. This came after I sent three messages to the support group and had no reply until a fourth message! AMATEUR RADIO: The only fail-safe communications system in the world. ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio is! Jim Weaver, K8JE, Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040-9660, Tel. 513-459-0142, E-mail k8je@arrl.org -----Original Message----- From: dslsupport@earthlink.net [mailto:dslsupport@earthlink.net] Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 4:03 AM To: Jim Subject: Re: Other - (KMM54764406V67225L0KM) Dear Jim Weaver, Thank you for contacting us. We understand that the email message you are trying to send to k8je@arrl.net is getting returned back to your Inbox as undeliverable. We apologize for the confusion caused by the mail you may have received from arrl.net. In this mail they have made several misrepresentations, such as the statement that EarthLink is blocking all mail from arrl.net. This is not the case. Neither is their assertion that this department claimed they were an open relay. In truth, arrl.net's servers have periodically triggered automated "self-defense" mechanisms on our mail servers. These temporary blocks are triggered not simply by high volumes of unsolicited e-mail, but disproportionately high ratios of spam tolegitimate mail. In the case of arrl.net, this is due to the fact that the administrators of arrl.net have chosen to take a completely hands off position in the fight against spam, doing nothing to prevent the unsolicited e-mail that is originally addressed to users in that domain from being propagated throughout the rest of the Internet. While the EarthLink Abuse department does not maintain this particular process and has no control over it, we have explained, in great depth and detail, the cause of the problem and what steps can be taken to prevent these blocks in the future. In summary, the ability to prevent these temporary blocks from being triggered lies completely within the control of arrl.net. Further questions about how they choose to run their services and the resulting issues should be referred directly to <bshelley@arrl.org> and/or <bgmiller@nframe.com>, who make the decisions about the administration of arrl.net's servers. Anand P. Earthlink Electronic Customer Support EarthLink, Inc. CSR ID#: 2135 Case ID 31721396 Shift your dial-up connection into high gear! With the new EarthLink Accelerator, you can surf the Web up to five times faster. This powerful tool is free for all EarthLink dial-up subscribers. http://www.earthlink.net/accelerator/download/ Tired of Spam? Check out the SpamBlocker, our free spam blocking utility. http://www.earthlink.net/spamblocker/ Resolve your customer service questions on-line at our Account Maintenance web site. To add email mailboxes, change passwords, or update your credit card information, go to: http://myaccount.earthlink.net We also offer a wide variety of online self help options for technical issues such as setting up your service, troubleshooting problems, or just using the Internet and email, you can access clear, step-by-step instructions at your Support Center: http://support.earthlink.net EarthLink also offers a variety of value added services for your account. Check them out at: http://www.earthlink.net/extras/ Original Message Follows: ------------------------- Form Message First Name: Jim Last Name: Weaver Email Address: k8je@earthlink.net Alternative Email: k8je@arrl.org Account Type: DSL Issue: Other Detailed Issue: Operating System: Hardware: Application Type: POP Phone: DSL Phone: 513-459-1661 Domain: Account Verification: Invoice: Message Body: Mail I send to k8je@arrl.net is returned essentially immediately (in less than 1 minute after being sent) indicating it is undeliverable after a LONG period of delivery attempts. OK guys, what is going on -- and cut out any PR garbage. Content Group: 1 Abuse Details: Abuse Details: Abuse Details: Spam Header: Virus Header: Bounced Email Header: Firewall Log: Date Of Incident: Time Of Incident: Spam Body: Virus Body: Bounced Email Body: Log Time Zone: Time Zone: