Good Morning ODV –
I think it’s fair to say that we all understand the need for compromise in order to achieve consensus. After all, the Board is a political body and we all have our own agendas. We’ve often worked together with opposing viewpoints to achieve a goal.
At this moment, as I’ve said to many of us, we are caught between a rock and a hard place. It has been made clear to us, through multiple House sources, that if we want to have H.R. 1301 brought to the full House Commerce Committee, we need to reach a compromise with CAI in order to achieve that goal.
We may not like that, but it is a fact and it needs to be addressed. Through Chris Imlay’s tireless work, we have a proposed compromise bill that addresses both the needs of CAI as well as the needs of ARRL. It’s not perfect, but no legislation is.
Today, right now, Chris is meeting with Rep. Kinzinger’s office to discuss the matter. We will have a better handle on their thoughts in due time.
While you may be unhappy with our position at this moment, as am I, we are still very much in the running to accomplish what we set out to do; to craft and pass legislation that will allow a home-owner living in a deed restricted community, the ability to use their earned FCC license from their home with an efficient and effective outdoor antenna.
Throughout this process, there have been no guarantees. If you keep in mind the fact that deep down inside we all knew that it would be naïve on our part to assume that there would be no pushback from the opposition. So it should be no surprise to any of us that we find ourselves at this juncture.
The decision to continue is, of course, a decision that will be made only by the Board of Directors. It is my opinion that we are still operating within the parameters of our Board approved legislative policy. Should that change, I will be the first to suggest we stop and walk away.
Now is not the time to do that. It would lose the goodwill we’ve created and generate tremendous ill-will with the members and staffs of both House of Congress.
Until that time, I ask the Board’s indulgence to continue on this path as it has gotten us further along than any previous attempt to get the ability to install an outdoor antenna in an HoA community.
73 de Mike N2YBB
Mike Lisenco, N2YBB
Director, Hudson
Chairman, ad hoc Legislative Advocacy Committee
ARRL - The
national association for Amateur