The behavior the Dr. Weaver experienced is indeed the default behavior of
most search engines. If you include multiple terms, it finds all
documents where those terms appear somewhere in the document.
However, if you place serveral terms in double quotes, it does an exact
match on those terms.
When I put the terms 2006, 2008, division, and elections into the search,
I got the same results Dr. Weaver reported. However, when I put
double-quotes around the entire string, it became one search term and the
result was no documents:
Sorry, your search for "2005 division election" did not
find any results.
No documents were found containing ""2005 division
I removed 2005, searching only on "division election" (as a
single term) and got this result:
General Bulletins for 2000 [5.815%]
- ... SK 06-Dec-2000 ARLB046 Former ARRL NW Division Vice
Director Gib Gibson, W7JIE, SK ... Elected 17-Nov-2000 ARLB044 ARRL
Division Election Results 16-Nov-2000 ARLS021 ...
- 14020 bytes [text/html] - Sun, 19
Mar 2000, 11:57:22 EST
Bulletin ARLB044 (2000) [2.701%]
- ... Keplerian · Propagation ARLB044: ARRL Division
Election Results SB QST @ ARL $ARLB044 ARLB044 ARRL Division Election
Results ZCZC AG44 QST de ... SB QST ARL ARLB044 ARLB044 ARRL Division
Election Results The ARRL Central ...
- 8542 bytes [text/html] - Fri, 17
Nov 2000, 17:13:06 EST
The only problem here is the lack of results for any division election
after 2000. I don't believe the search engine itself is to blame,
but rather the indexing of documents. Indexing is the process that
scans documents, pulling keywords into an index that is used by the
search engine to find related documents (much like a human would do with
the index in the back of a book). In fact, when you write a book,
the publisher typically hires an "indexer" who reads the
manuscript (or more likely uses some automated tool) and assembles an
index (I know this from the book I have in print - the indexer even has a
credit in the book).
It's clear to me that the ARRL web site isn't properly indexed for the
search engine. I don't know what process is being used, but the
best is a fully automated solution using an indexing tool that works 100%
of the time. The Google tool that someone suggested at the board
meeting (my apologies on not remembering who it was) is an appliance
(combined hardware and software) that plugs into the web server and
automatically indexes every document added to the server. The
appliance also has the now famous Google search engine in it. I
don't know what it costs, but my guess is that it's not cheap. And
it's certainly not the only solution out there, so please don't take my
comments on it as a specific recommendation. The point should be
that what we have now is broken and needs to be fixed -- the
"fix" requires a bit of study and a proper analysis of workable
alternative solutions.
-- Andy Oppel, N6AJO
Vice Director, Pacific Division
(and in my work life: Principal Data Architect,
At 01:58 PM 7/29/2005, you wrote:
You got your initial result
because there was one document on the Web site in which the terms
"2006," "2008," "division" and
"elections" appeared (I believe our search engine, and most
others, ignores hyphens). That happened to be the 2000 10-Meter Contest
Results. All four terms are there -- take a look.
If the search engine was a
sentient being it probably would have wondered why on earth you wanted
this document, but it found what you asked for and told you that you
probably weren't interested in it (that's what the low percentage figure
It didn't find what you were
looking for because that document is not on the Web site. It isn't on the
Web site because Bylaw 18 stipulates where it should appear, and that's
in QST. The way to change that is to amend the Bylaws, not the search
Dave K1ZZ
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Weaver, Jim K8JE (DIR, GL)
- Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 4:26 PM
- To: arrl-odv
- Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:12830] Re: Guess what
- Dave, I’m just expressing
frustration over the recalcitrant nature I happen to continue to see in
our system. The greater the degree to which an information search
system must be fed information before it retrieves useful output, the
less the practical value of the system. For example, providing
information on the 2001 ARRL 10 M contest when I had requested “election”
information during “2005” seems to indicate the system is about as still
as useless as mammary glands on a boar. At best it suggests the
system is as user-friendly as was Attila the Hun to his captives.
(Pardon my intended hyperbolism.)
- When are we going to have a
system that operates in a manner that will reflect positively on our
technologically-progressive organization? Conversely, should
the question be, “Will we ever . . .?”
- Jim Weaver, K8JE
- Director, Great Lakes Division
- 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH
- Tel.: 513-459-0142;
- ARRL: The reason
Amateur Radio Is!
- MEMBERS: The reason ARRL
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ
- Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 3:27 PM
- To: arrl-odv
- Subject: [arrl-odv:12830] Re: Guess what
- Jim, I'm not sure what
point you're making. If it is to propose that Bylaw 18 be amended, it is
certainly possible to formulate an amendment for January.
- 73,
- Dave K1ZZ
- -----Original Message-----
- From: Weaver, Jim K8JE (DIR, GL)
- Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 3:19 PM
- To: arrl-odv
- Subject: [arrl-odv:12829] Guess what
- Desiring a respite from the important
things in ham life and wishing to be reminded of everything that has been
published in QST or on our web site, I decided to do a search of
for “2006-2008 division elections.” Sure enough, within a couple of
seconds the search results appeared. One item was found. It
- 1.
2000 ARRL 10-Meter Contest Results
- ... were also a total of
39 new ARRL/RAC
division records set during the event. Phone ... Operator
stations that set new ARRL
records in their categories: Mixed QRP ...
- 162789 bytes [application/pdf] -
Fri, 27 Jul 2001, 11:12:16 EDT
- Reasoning that the search engine must want
me to ask for 2005 elections I revised the search to “2005 division
elections.” Sure enough, I promptly saw:
- 1.
Letter [4.878%]
- ... in three ARRL
divisions for the
2005 term. The Committee of Tellers has ... the results of
these contested elections. In the
Pacific Division incumbent ...
completing his second year as Pacific
Division Vice Director. In the
Southeastern ...
- 33643 bytes [text/html] - Fri, 16
Nov 2001, 19:03:36 EST
- 2.
Bulletin ARLB049 (2001) [4.878%]
- 2005
bulletins: General · DX · ... in three
ARRL divisions for the 2002-2005
term. The Committee of Tellers has ... the results of these contested
elections. In the Pacific
Division incumbent ...
- 7803 bytes [text/html] - Fri, 16
Nov 2001, 16:57:09 EST
- 3.
ARRLWeb: ARRL VT Section [2.922%]
- ... Clubs Other sections
New England Division Back
to Section Page Monthly Section News Summaries May
2005 April
2005 February
2005 January
2005 December 2004 October 2004
September ...
- 9601 bytes [text/html] - Fri, 17
Jun 2005, 22:59:38 EDT
- 4.
Bulletin ARLB100 (1998) [0.865%]
- 2005
bulletins: General · DX · ...
Keplerian · Propagation ARLB100: ARRL
elections SB QST @ ARL $ARLB100
ARLB100 ARRL elections ZCZC AG01
QST de W1AW ARRL Bulletin ...
- 6617 bytes [text/html] - Thu, 31
Dec 1998, 13:49:55 EST
- 5.
ARRL In Action: What Have We Been Up To Lately?
- ... Editor June 30,
2005 This feature--including
convenient Web ... Radio Spectrum Protection Act of
2005 into the Senate. ARRL
President Jim ... Communications Conference (GAREC
2005) in his capacity as Region 2
President ...
- 8632
bytes [text/html] - Wed, 31 Dec 1969, 19:00:00 EST
- 8632 bytes - Wed, 31 Dec 1969,
19:00:00 EST
- 6.
ARRLWeb: Minutes of
Annual Meeting
ARRL Board of Directors [0.831%]
- ... Minutes of the
Annual Meeting ARRL Board of Directors January 21-22,
2005 Summary Agenda 1. Roll Call
2. Moment ... Articles of Association and Bylaws 7.
Elections 8. Consideration of
recommendations of ...
- 35778 bytes [text/html] - Fri, 28
Jan 2005, 15:52:24 EST
- 7.
Minutes of the Executive Committee, Number 475
- ... COMMITTEE Denver
Colorado -- April 9,
Pursuant to due notice, the Executive ... met at 8:40 AM MDT,
Saturday, April 9,
, at the Denver Airport Marriott at ... D. Imlay, W3KD, and Midwest
Vice Director Bruce Frahm, K0BJ, at ...
- 28079 bytes [text/html] - Tue, 26
Apr 2005, 10:07:19 EDT
- 8.
ARRLWeb: W1AW General
Bulletins for 1998 [0.677%]
- 2005
bulletins: General · DX · ... QRT
04-Dec-1998 ARLB104 Northwestern
Division Director Mary Lou Brown,
NM7N, SK ... results 20-Nov-1998 ARLB100 ARRL
elections 16-Nov-1998 ARLB099 FCC
call sign ...
- 17004 bytes [text/html] - Thu, 31
Dec 1998, 09:45:52 EST
- 9.
Bulletin ARLB006 (2000) [0.640%]
- 2005
bulletins: General · DX · ... ·
Propagation ARLB006: ARRL Officer
Elections Set Musical Chairs in
Motion SB QST @ ARL $ARLB006 ARLB006 ARRL Officer
Elections Set Musical Chairs in
Motion ZCZC AG06 ...
- 7047 bytes [text/html] - Sun, 19
Mar 2000, 11:58:03 EST
- 10.
In Action: What Have We Been Up To Lately?
- ... Editor June 1,
2005 This feature--including
convenient Web ... HQ for two contested Section Manager
elections. Six incumbent SMs did
not face ... its slate of scholarship winners for
2005. The
2005 Goldfarb Scholarship was ...
- 6402
bytes [text/html] - Wed, 31 Dec 1969, 19:00:00 EST
- 6402 bytes - Wed, 31 Dec 1969,
19:00:00 EST
- Searching for “2005-8 division election
announcements” I found a variety of reports on BoD meetings, l
- After this, I “turned the computer off” and
went looking for my QSTs while thanking HPM for making this great new IT
system available to us and our members. Geez!
- Jim Weaver, K8JE
- Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL;
- 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040
- Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail:
- ARRL: The reason
Amateur Radio Is!
- MEMBERS: The reason ARRL