I would like to share comments re: the Huntsville Hamfest from this past weekend. I would encourage Directors Baker and Norris to add their comments as they wish.
Unlike the Rocky Mountain Division Convention the weekend before where the noise level was low and people were very supportive of ARRL’s recent decisions, the crowd in Huntsville was very outspoken about things related to ARRL. It is important
to note that without exception, no one left the booth in a negative state of mind. This required extensive discussions, and my table was 3-5 people deep nearly the entire event.
The first was the September QST cover. This was quickly dispatched by explaining that this was a posed picture a group of young people send to us as they setup for Field Day. Our photographer didn’t forget to tell them about the coax.
None of our editors are being fired. Is this really the feedback we want our young hams to see? People immediately ‘got it’.
The second was the dues increase. Other than a couple of people who claimed they were on a fixed budget, everyone was largely in support including a couple of people who believe we have caused a disservice to the members by not raising
it to a higher amount and taking the future more seriously. One of them was so articulate about the situation and his ability to help raise money and work on strategy that I have connected him with Kevin Beal.
The third was decoupling print QST from membership. There were some very heated people. However, as we went through the finances of ARRL and how printed magazines are affecting our ability to operate, even the most heated cooled down.
The comparison to CQ Magazine costs and reliability was the great equalizer. There were many attendees of the ARRL Forum who identified as CQ subscribers and joined in to underscore CQ’s disappointing performance versus the reliability of ARRL.
How did all of this affect our results in the booth? We were not down 14%. Memberships were up 10% over last year. We had members joining for 3 years to get their Gil mug and paying an additional $75 for 3 years of print QST. The mood
at the membership table was upbeat and very busy. Bob and Yvette were outstanding.
We need to expand our communications, in greater detail, to those members who need to hear it. I received many positive comments about the interview I did on Kevin - W1DED’s YouTube channel so I am going to reach out to
him to see if he’d work to create another video just on the dues restructuring. We can also drive more traffic to our Q&A page. Personal appearances by the board and even well informed section managers is critically important so that members can feel heard
and leave informed.
The only other (very) heated issues I had to deal with were:
- Hiring Sierra (transgender female issue with a deeply religious member) I discussed her qualifications, and CT law about discrimination. I also went on to sing her praises and the results she’s delivered, and he accepted all of that
but would not bend on the religious beliefs issue for him.
- HOA bill has not been completed. His comment was that he’s not renewing his membership because at this pace the bill won’t be reintroduced until December and he’ll hear more excuses from us. He claims he’s been following this for years.
I was able to talk him off the ledge and I’m pretty sure he walked over and renewed but he left with a “we’ll see” comment. We may want to update members sooner than later with a status report and set an expectation for when they’ll see this progressing.
It was extremely fatiguing dealing with the shear volume of members. But it was gratifying to see the support members have for ARRL and there were many compliments shared by the attendees. Again, Directors Baker and Norris can share their
observations if they like.