Rick Lindquist compiled and edited The ARRL Letter, Vol 23, No 04, which distributed to 67,570 ARRL members--a new subscription record--on Jan 23. That means nearly 44 percent of all League members subscribe to the Letter. Rick prepared and/or edited stories on the ARRL license restructuring plan ("Restructuring II") as well as several other stories resulting from actions taken during the Jan 16-17 ARRL Board meeting (awards, officer elections, mentoring program, DXCC rule change and misc items), FCC Commr Abernathy's specific mention in a speech of ham radio concerns about BPL interference, Solar Update, The Amateur Amateur column for Jan, AMSAT-OSCAR ECHO update and a couple of miscellaneous Web announcements and news briefs. He also drafted an update on The ARRL Amateur Radio Education and Technology Program ("The Big Project") for posting this week. In collaboration with Bart Jahnke, John Hennessee, Mark Wilson, Dave Sumner and other staffers, Rick compiled, helped to write and edited a "frequently asked questions" document for the Web site on the League's restructuring proposal. He incorporated final edits over the weekend, and sent the FAQ to Jon Bloom for posting with a link from the news story on the Web. With voiceover assistance from Jennifer Hagy and soundbites from Dave Sumner, Rick voiced, produced and edited ARRL Audio News for Jan 23.