I read your note to mean that, for DXCC purposes, we won't be rushed into some premature declaration of Kosovo being a new DXCC entity.  I definitely support this position,  We only maintain the integrity of DXCC by following our own rules.  Kosovo will count soon enough.
Greg, K0GW

On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 12:59 PM, Sumner, Dave, K1ZZ <dsumner@arrl.org> wrote:

In conjunction with an international effort to assist its telecommunication administration with developing domestic regulations for the Amateur Radio service, the Republic of Kosovo has just been activated using call signs with a Z6 prefix.

For those of you who are interested in DX or have members who are interested in DX, a little background may be helpful. Under Section II of the DXCC Rules, to be recognized as a DXCC political entity Kosovo must either be a UN Member State or must have been assigned a call sign prefix block by the ITU. Z6 is a call sign block that is currently unassigned by the ITU and therefore should be available for assignment. However, as of now there is no indication that the ITU has made such an allocation or that it has been requested to do so.

The fact that the Republic of Kosovo is putting regulations and an administrative framework for Amateur Radio into place is a positive development and should be viewed as such.

Dave Sumner, K1ZZ

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