

That is an interesting argument.  The first point about just being hobbyists is not even pertinent; a paid or unpaid individual is still capable of providing emergency communications.  With the second, their CC&R’s would preclude a ham from building an adequate station, training and using the equipment so they could be capable of even providing a minimum level of emergency communications.  So, they are asking us to cite cases that they prevented from occurring  in the first place!  It reminds me of the altered time line in the “Back to the Future” series.


I know our message has to be very focused and clear.  When it gets down and dirty, and we are wrestling in the mud with CAI and Associa, one fact is clear.  They are interested in protecting aesthetics.  We are interested in protecting lives.  Period, Flat!


One note for full disclosure. I sent an e-mail on HR-4969 to my division, and it was reposted on the FT-60 yahoogroup that has 4815 members.  I am the Listowner, and the individual that posted it is unmoderated.  So, I didn’t do it……..


’73 de JIM N2ZZ


From: Christopher Imlay []
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 11:23 AM
To: James F. Boehner MD
Cc: arrl-odv;
Subject: Re: [arrl-odv:23051]


I think Dr. Jim makes a good point about rebuttal of CAI. Because Associa, the management company that allegedly serves 9000 HOAs in 31 states is up on the Hill with CAI right now, today,,and because CAI has issued a call to arms to their membership which is full of misrepresentations, a rebuttal document of points and authorities for our members doing advocacy for HR 4969, managed correctly, may be helpful.


In fact, I just got a call from Josh Baggett, KK4NDB, who works for Rep. Kinzinger, asking for a second rebuttal document. I sent Josh a letter on Friday with information to rebut Associa's letter to Kinzinger, and now that they met with Josh and made other arguments, he asked us to help him rebut them as well. FOR YOUR EYES ONLY here is the letter I sent to Josh on Friday. We can do a rebuttal paper separately now that we know the arguments that both opposition groups are making.


To give you an idea of what the deal is, Associa and CAI made two main points today with Josh: (1) there is no Federal interest being served by this Bill because hams are just hobbyists; and (2) FCC has said multiple times that there is no need to apply PRB-1 to CC&Rs. CAI asked for even one example where covenants prevented a ham from engaging in emergency communications. 


We are working on a rebuttal points paper for Josh today now that he has had his meeting with Associa and CAI together. Reportedly, Associa asked for compromise language. CAI is taking a scorched earth tack -- no bill, no way. Josh didn't bite on either position. 


Game on.





On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 5:09 PM, James F. Boehner MD via arrl-odv <> wrote:

To Dan and anyone else who is responsible for providing the above site on the website, thank you!


If I could request a few additions:


1)      Dan, could you add your fax number to the mix? We have postal mail and e-mail attachments covered, but some actually still use fax machines.

2)      We had a legislative update by TKG this past week.  Can we have a “drop-down” as to how members request an appointment to meet their representatives?  More importantly, how to conduct their meeting.  I’m thinking specifically as to prepare them if they are deferred to one of the representative’s staffers, how many hams to bring to the meeting, to be prepared if their representative doesn’t agree with them, etc.  For those of us who have never requested an audience with their congressman, it is a daunting task.  Members with no political experience really need to feel empowered to speak to their representative on behalf of the ARRL, and do so properly.  Otherwise, the most we can expect are letters.

3)      If it is legislatively appropriate, can we have a “drop-down” to discuss CAI so that members can “Know the Enemy” and know the opposition we face?  Perhaps to take each of their arguments and have our direct rebuttal ready to go, as Chris indicated in his last e-mail?


As I wrote the request for a Fax number, I’m reminded of a Dilbert cartoon, where he agreed to fax specifications only if he could travel back in time to 1985, when faxes were the way to do this sort of thing J !  But it is what it is!


Thanks for the consideration,


’73 de JIM N2ZZ

arrl-odv mailing list



Christopher D. Imlay

Booth, Freret & Imlay, LLC

14356 Cape May Road

Silver Spring, Maryland 20904-6011

(301) 384-5525 telephone

(301) 384-6384 facsimile