It seems to me that we are clearing about 50,000 QSO's hour, looking at the published backlog data and looking at maximum headway. 
I have no internal access to anything so I'm simply looking at the maximum backlog gain as a possible max.

logs qso's Bytes Backlog Gains (loss) in past hour (#Logs) Backlog Gains (deficit) in past hour (#QSOs) Backlog Gains (deficit) in past hour (Bytes) QSO's/log
12/7/2020 17:03 20,219 1,196,675 531,828,303 (886) 36,281 14,273,694 59
020-12-07 16:02:53 19,333 1,232,956 546,101,997 323 (135,633) (54,844,676) 64
12/7/2020 15:02 19,656 1,097,323 491,257,321 (1,832) (37,148) (19,387,217) 56
12/7/2020 14:03 17,824 1,060,175 471,870,104 142 (55,742) (21,357,764) 59
12/7/2020 13:01 17,966 1,004,433 450,512,340 318 (39,905) (15,038,336) 56
12/7/2020 12:01 18,284 964,528 435,474,004 1,032 (41,564) (14,632,264) 53
12/7/2020 11:01 19,316 922,964 420,841,740 (958) (21,499) (10,850,181) 48
12/7/2020 10:01 18,358 901,465 409,991,559 (846) (75,579) (32,172,675) 49
12/7/2020 9:01 17,512 825,886 377,818,884 (749) (40,811) (18,185,403) 47
12/7/2020 8:01 16,763 785,075 359,633,481 (843) (66,633) (28,744,130) 47
12/7/2020 7:00 15,920 718,442 330,889,351 (714) (31,656) (14,722,734) 45
12/7/2020 6:01 15,206 686,786 316,166,617 (1,548) (53,803) (25,495,417) 45
12/7/2020 5:00 13,658 632,983 290,671,200

Mickey Baker, N4MB
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
“The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead." Robert K. Greenleaf

On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 12:38 PM Richard Norton via arrl-odv <> wrote:
 Excuse me for assuming you all had quantitative knowledge of the activity details behind my question.

Two weeks ago, what may be the largest contest activity of the year, the CQWW CW Contest took place. CQ has received over 9000 logs and  many logs had thousands of QSO's. The LOTW upload delay was reported to have peaked at about 8 hours.

This last weekend was the ARRL 160-meter Contest, a much smaller event. There were around one tenth as many participants. A few had 1000 QSO's, and no stations made over 2000 contacts. The LOTW load should have been one or two orders of magnitude less, but the LOTW upload delay is twice that following the larger event.

Both ARRL Sweepstakes were larger events than the 160-meter Contest, and I received no reports of unusual delays following them.

There might be something else causing this?

I was also hoping for a reply from someone at HQ, who might have more than a guess at what is happening.


Dick, N6AA

On Monday, December 7, 2020, 08:26:26 AM PST, <> wrote:

Some advice I came across a few days ago:

“ Asked a number of my contesting friends about the LOTW delays after CQWW CW. None of them are upset about it. 

The delay is not unexpected. One comment was that it isn't unusual for there to be longer lines at the post office in mid-December.

A suggestion was to notify users, and possibly ask them to space out their submissions.”

There you go.


On Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 11:01 AM Richard Norton via arrl-odv <> wrote:
> Why is there a 15 hour backlog in uploading logs to LOTW, that appears to be growing another hour as each hour passes?
> 73,
> Dick, N6AA
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
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