Thank you, Harold. My motivation is to understand how companies currently authorized to use ARRL's trademarked logos actually use them, and if any company is using them in manner other than printing, stitching, etching, or engraving them onto merchandise peddled as apparel or souvenirs. In reviewing the list, I didn't see any companies who are authorized to use trademarked logos for the purpose of enhancing the advertisement or promotion of their own product(s). I assume there is no current precedent for such (authorized) use of our trademarked logos.
Based on the data you provided and if my assumption above is correct, then I see no reason to establish such a precedent by permitting Remote Ham Radio (or anyone else for that matter, save for hamfests, printers, stitchers, etchers, or engravers) to use our trademarks to further their own advertising or product appeal.
To me, RHR's use of our trademarked logos to advance their product is not much different than renaming ARRL's Lab in exchange for a nice check. The cost associated with any potential appearance of endorsement or impropriety (even if falsely perceived) isn't worth it.
Given the above, the only option recommended by Chris that I can support is his latter option: Demand that they stop immediately.
Brian N5ZGT
On Feb 5 2015 3:03 PM, Kramer, Harold, WJ1B wrote:
There are several small companies that we have given permission to use our logo on small items such as hats, mugs, etc. There is a short written agreement that they sign and that Bob Inderbitzen approves. These companies are usually small cottage industries that sell items limited quantities of merchandise at Conventions and Hamfests. I have attached list of these companies.
We do not give permission to vendors to sell large quantities of ARRL merchandise, such as shirts. We reserve this right to ourselves. FYI, Chris, Bob and I have chased down a number of companies who have tried to mass market our merchandise without our permission and they usually cease the practice when we alert them to it. If they do not cease the practice after we alert them by email or phone call, Chris sends them a cease and desist letter.
Beyond the above, I checked with staff and we have not given permission for any commercial usage or implied endorsement using the DXCC or LoTW logos. Some advertisers have used the terms in the context of “This transceiver/antenna will help you achieve DXCC quicker” but, in my opinion, that is not an endorsement or commercializing our trademark.
As Dave already wrote, we will be discussing this with Chris tomorrow.
Harold Kramer, WJ1B
Chief Operating Officer
ARRL -the national association for Amateur Radio
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111
(860) 594 -0220
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