Fred, that's a good list of questions. Thanks.

I think we need to have some questions about Technicians. I've spoken and written a lot about what I call the huge disconnect that we have with the Technicians. Over half of the hams today are Technician class yet only 16% are ARRL members. Also, in one of our studies a couple of years ago, we found that a certain percentage (I don't recall the exact % but believe it was rather high) of the new Techs become inactive after one year. Dale had a question about how to activate the inactive hams but perhaps we need to add another targeted question about Techs specifically.

Something like this:

Q: More than half of the Amateurs today are Technician class hams. How have you seen this change in demographics effect the hobby over the years?

Q: It appears that a good percentage of the new Technicians become inactive after one year. Have you seen this in your business and if so, what are your observations as to why? 

Q: Do you have specific ideas on how we can turn that around for the Technician class? (This relates to Dale's overall question about inactive hams.)

Q: A large percentage of the Technicians are not members of the ARRL. Do you have any suggestions on how we can bridge that gap?

Q: And overall, what can we do at ARRL to attract more members in general? 

Feel free to edit the questions. 

Rick - K5UR

-----Original Message-----
From: hopengarten <>
To: 'ODV' <>
Sent: Sat, Jul 27, 2019 2:03 pm
Subject: [arrl-odv:28450] Listening to Vendors

Version 2 of ideas for our “listening tour” attached.
Fred Hopengarten, Esq.   K1VR
Six Willarch Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
New England Director
Serving ME, NH, VT, MA, RI and CT

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