With David Sumner on an airplane returning from Eastern
Europe and President Harrison in a meeting, Joel has asked me to deliver the
results of today’s ballot counts.
Ballot counts were held today at HQ for elections in two Divisions
with the following results:
Delta Division Director:
Mickey Cox, K5MC 1,148
Karl Bullock, WA5TMC
Delta Division Vice Director:
David Norris, K5UZ 1,399
Ariel Elam, K4AAL
Great Lakes Division Vice Director:
Gary Johnston, KI4LA 1,218
Daniel Romanchik, KB6NU 1,205
John Meyers, NB4K 1,155
Congratulations to all the winners. President Harrison has
contacted all the candidates and the results will be posted to the ARRL web
site shortly.
Barry J. Shelley, N1VXY
Chief Financial Officer
ARRL, Inc—The National
Association for Amateur Radio
225 Main St.
Newington, CT 06111
Phone: (860) 594-0212
E-mail: bshelley@arrl.org