To help address the issue of the “ham-ness” of Howard, I asked him to take a few minutes and list out some of his ham-related activities. The list is below. What he describes is the background of an ordinary ham who has had a lot of other
conflicting responsibilities in life. I suspect his list is similar to the types of things and relative activity of 90% of our membership.
Here are some items:
Licensed as WN2ITX (15 or 16 years old), upgraded to General Class and Advanced Class within about one year. Upgraded to Amateur Extra Class in about 2000.
I've operated CW/AM/FM/SSB/Digital on 80/40/20/15/10/2 on equipment that I have either built, repaired or modified.
Built my own AM/CW transmitter and multiple pieces of test equipment (o-scope, capacitor checker, signal generator, etc)
Repaired and operated a Motorola 100W, 2M FM base station and Motorola 2M FM mobile rig while working for a mobile communications company while in high school and college
Repaired and operated a RTTY terminal -- when punched paper tape was king
In the military, where ever I could set up an antenna (80/40 dipole or 5-band vertical) , I operated mostly SSB. (Portable from Massachusetts, California, Maryland, and Ohio), or 5-band mobile.
Currently I have a 5-band Galaxy tube rig (for which I built the AC power supply from scratch) and a ICOM solid state rig.
Favorite activities include attending hamfests (to find old stuff to repair/re-purpose), contest operating, especially state QSO parties (sometimes portable to sparse counties) and DXing (especially on 80/40)
Active member of the Bergenfield (NJ) Amateur Radio Club and Civil Defense RACES until I went into the military
Life member (although not currently active) of the Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association.
Frederick (Rick) Niswander, Ph.D., CPA, CGMA
Professor of Accounting
Bate 3110
East Carolina University
Greenville, NC 27858