Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope that you have all received an invitation to join us at the annual Donor Reception on the evening of Thursday May 17 to thank some of our most generous donors for their support of ARRL. If you have not already responded to Development Associate Margie Bourgoin with your plans, please do so this week. As you respond, please advise us of the name of your guest and whether or not you will be traveling to the event on the transportation we are providing from the Dayton Marriott to the event and back. Thank you. Mary Mary M. Hobart, K1MMH Chief Development Officer The American Radio Relay League 225 Main Street Newington CT 06111-1494 Telephone: 860-594-0397 Fax: 860-594-0259 email:mhobart@arrl.org Honor your call sign by placing a brick in the new Diamond Terrace at ARRL. Call 860-594-0397 for details on this new Diamond Club project.