Good evening all,
From what I can tell, the point scheme for the Leader Board has quite a ways to go before it should be made available to the general public.
I took a look at my “score” and realized that I’m credited with 274 QSOs, however, I have 433 in the book.
I started to compare some point values for a few of my members and discovered that they are so far off that it’s not funny. For instance, the SM for NLI is credited with 40 points. Should be 175.
One former Director is valued at 2 points and another at 5 points. Each should be 150 points. (Unless this is an editorial comment)
The current Vice Director is valued at 5 points. Should be 200 points.
A past Section Manager is valued at 5 points, should be 100 points.
Assistant Directors are valued at 5 points, should be 40.
The list goes on. We really need to get this in control before it goes live, otherwise our phones will be ringing off the hook!
73 de Mike