As I contemplate my blessings during the festivities of the season, I am reminded of the thousands of friends I have made via ham radio, since 1957. Some of those friends I will never meet face-to-face, but many I have had the pleasure of shaking hands with – all over the world. Others I have met in the ARRL Board room, over the last several years. I so appreciate all of you! we may argue and debate issues but when all is said and done, we share each other’s success on the bands, family situations and our lasting memories as friends. Truly, I am thankful for all of you on this holiday. I wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving. As you count your blessings, remember our soldiers, sailors and airmen who stand guard at home and abroad, your senior citizen neighbor who may not be able to travel to family celebrations and all who will spend the holiday alone. See you on the air (sunspots allowing) 73 and good hamming Jim Pace, K7CEX