Kay and Dave - The problem mentioned below with LoTW continues and despite rumors among users - and not officials from HQs - solutions/progress et al are unknown. The biggest concern in the Ham user community (US and and a very large number of DX) of LoTW is not How Fast QSO File Uploads are processed, but rather that the files are not lost and that they are in fact being processed . . . i.e. the Integrity of the System is what is is question!!
Your IT staff does respond to queries on e-mail, but not with substantive answers about real solutions . . . and certainly with nothing that inspires confidence with respect to lost files an system integrity. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that Uploaded files are Processed out of order in some random fashion.
So, YOU have a problem that has international attention and a great deal of angst! I know I am PO'd and frustrated, but so are many others . . . and there is NO leadership interest or solutions evident to any of us.
I hope you wake up and smell the coffee on this ongoing problem.
Pls engage this matter and also respond so I and others know you are doing so.
Best - Alan Swinger K9MBQ
-----Original Message-----
>From: Alan Swinger <awswinger@earthlink.net>
>Sent: Nov 25, 2012 2:45 PM
>To: nk3n@arrl.org
>Subject: Fw: LOTW Non-Response by ARRL!
>Kay - Forwarded fyi and hopefully - action. The LoTW problem is not only annoying, but suggest that the ARRL should be embarrassed in the international community by the apparent length of the problem and inability of the HQ staff to remedy. E-mails on the LoTW reflector are brutal.
>Hope you can exercise some management support to get it fixed.
>Best regards,
>Alan Swinger K9MBQ