Frank, only a RTTY man would have caught the site! Interestingly, I walked out with a group of DARC members who remarked, first, about a motorcycle-sidecar that hosted two High Sierra's and then just one slot down was my car with its High Sierra. One of the German fellows noticed me heading for the car and we had a nice, but brief, conversation. He works for VW which is also part of the AUDI corporation. I guess one of these fellows took the photo. If you look further at the Dayton photos, you'll see one with a "speaker" and Barthi (sp?) The "speaker" is K4ZLE who turned the 8th Region QSL Bureau around and is its Chairman. Jim Weaver, K8JE Director, Great Lakes Division ARRL; http://www.arrl.org/ 5065 Bethany Rd., Mason, OH 45040 Tel.: 513-459-0142; E-mail: k8je@arrl.org ARRL: The reason Amateur Radio Is! MEMBERS: The reason ARRL Is! -----Original Message----- From: Frank Fallon [mailto:n2ff@optonline.net] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 2:09 PM To: arrl-odv Subject: [arrl-odv:12430] Dayton Pictures in Germany This German web site has some Dayton pictures including one of an ARRL's directors car. Take a gander. http://home.arcor.de/waldemar.kebsch/ Frank....N2FF......