I would ask to have the title Sheriff added before Mr. Brian Winter, KA7IAC in the SK listing. Did we actually " applaud " the passing of Minute 26? The third to last paragraph in minute 27 reads "After discussion the Board made offered an amendment to include the sentence:" Should just the word made go away? ?? The last paragraph in minute 40 should have the word VOTE after roll call (I think) THEREFOR needs the final E in minute 36 Thanks Carla! Mark, HDX On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 12:06 PM Pereira, Carla, KC1HSX <cpereira@arrl.org> wrote:
Dear Members of the ODV:
Attached is the completed draft of the minutes for the 2nd Board Meeting, combining the July and August sessions. Please let me know if you have any edits/suggestions. If you make any edits to the document itself before returning it to me, please enable “track changes.”
FYI—the minutes of last week’s Special Board Meeting will be sent separately this week. Please let me know if you have any questions.
*Carla Pereira, KC1HSX*
*Executive Manager*
*Newington, CT 06111*
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