Fathom, was perhaps the single biggest mistake the league has ever made. 
We have fought stupid code, inability to change things, and flat out going backwards in what we had prior to them from a SM, and I have to assume ODV, perspective. 
I know, we can not change the past but they SUCK. 

And now you all know how I feel about that. 

Any SM from that time period will validate my opinion, and some of you here now, can as well. 

Thanks, David, for jumping in feet first and working to resolve this.

Mark, HDX

On Sun, Feb 14, 2021 at 5:05 PM Minster, David NA2AA (CEO) <dminster@arrl.org> wrote:

Here’s a “while it’s happening” report regarding our website:


I experienced an adware pop-up on Friday night with our HamCation video.  I had Bob and Kathleen immediately begin to dig into why it might be happening.


As of today noon, the only thing we can ascertain is that it is one specific image related to ARRL At Home from iPhone using Safari.  We have tried many other OS/browser combinations and it doesn’t happen.


We reached out to Fathom for ideas – they are out-of-business on websites.


We reached out to Rackspace.  Their security team did a deep dive on our site and found nothing.


Because the event is over, I directed Bob to delete the image from rotation on our homepage and the ARRL At Home page itself from the website.  It’s possible it has something to do with embedded links to YouTube, but I doubt it.


There are some other things that came to light that will now further my inability to sleep at night.  I can’t believe the website has gone so many years without being properly dealt with.


We will be reaching out to website security specialists with the intention to hire one and perform a deep dive on the website.  I just quietly did that on our internal infrastructure and as you’d imagine the results were not great.


If you have suggestions, please respond off list to me directly.







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