At this point, "Thanks for your comments" is probably the best response unless there is evidence of inaccurate information having prompted them, in which case it can be corrected.
Dave K1ZZ


From: Joel Harrison []
Sent: Thu 4/5/2007 12:57 AM
To: arrl-odv
Subject: RE: [arrl-odv:15373] Re: RM-11306

I'll have to defer to Chris for the exact number, Bruce, but if there were
any supportive comments there wasn't more than a hand full.

I saw one email today that suggested there were 15,000 WinLink users. If
only 10% of those would have filed comments in support of RM-11306 that
would have significantly overshadowed the negative ones. Unfortunately, they

Chris, do you have the exact tally?


-----Original Message-----
To: "arrl-odv" <>
Subject: [arrl-odv:15373]  Re: RM-11306
Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2007 18:35:36 -0500

One thing I've struggled with, especially with the new pro-Winlink group but

also the other emails, is how to let them know it was a great idea to go to
FCC to see what we could salvage of the petition, without coming out and
saying "and they invited us to do so".

So Joel -- there were no supporting comments from the Winlink types?  I've
been telling these recent correspondents that they needed to generate many
more supportive comments next time. I didn't realize they'd done NONE on

73  Bruce K0BJ