Be careful out there... the social engineering of the newest version of the Sober virus is trapping lots of people.

Name: W32/Sober@MM!M681 (McAfee)
CME Entry:
Affects: Windows XP/XP SP2/2000/2003/NT/ME/98/95

What it does: The Sober outbreak that began two weeks ago got much worse last week for a few reasons, tops on the list being improved social engineering. Notice above that McAfee designates this worm currently as "W32/Sober@MM!M681". The original detection was with their generic "Sober.gen" signatures, but they renamed this one to reflect the fact that the outbreak has merited a CME entry.

This is a classic mass-mailing worm, forging the From: header, so if you receive a copy of it don't believe that the address in the From: is the actual sender of the message. The message comes with an executable attachment and a message which entices the user to run the attachment. Below are some sample message contents, courtesy of McAfee (see their writeup for more such examples).
Yes, this being a Sober variant, there are German messages in it.

How to avoid it: Install anti-virus software and keep it up to date. Don't open attachments that you don't expect, even those from people you know.

How to remove it: McAfee's free Stinger tool can remove this infection.

Andy Oppel
Principal Data Architect
Systems Engineering Group
Ceridian Corporation
(510) 864-2299   Voice
(510) 910-1508    Cell