Harold et al.,
A few comments below:
Our research tells us that 25% of new licensees never
get on the air. What can we can we do to fix this? How can we
increase awareness and benefits of ARRL membership to new licensees?
Team Leaders: Jon Bloom, Dennis Motschenbacher
Deadline: October 1, 2005
One solution I can think of is to target
these new Hams right when they become Hams – i.e. at VE exam
sessions. This is the time when they are pumped and looking for something
to get involved in. Someone needs to meet them half-way with a mouth full
of stories and a handful of brochures for various local clubs/events and of
course ARRL. Otherwise, if they’re allowed to walk off without
anyone engaging them until they make their first QSO, their enthusiasm begins
to go south. Perhaps to the point where they become part of the 25%
quoted above.
By the way, 25% is alarming. Why
would anyone go through the effort to become licensed for TALKING ON THE AIR,
and end up NOT ever talking on the air? It’s like me going to
driving school, getting my driver’s license and choosing to never drive.
Something’s up, and it sure isn’t helping the future of Ham Radio.
Back to my point, perhaps a push can be
made via Section Managers, their team of VEs and Affiliated Club Coordinators,
to organize a team of enthusiastic Hams and some promo material (not just ARRLs
promo stuff, but more importantly – in my opinion – local clubs’
and events’, where the tangible benefits are more apparent and immediate
to a newcomer) and visit their monthly VE exams to promote involvement to our
newest Hams and potential ARRL members.
Brian, N5ZGT