
Vol. 28, No. 30

July 27, 2005

Media & Public Relations

ARRL goes to Washington video was put on the web at 90 MB.  Discussions with Bob Inderbitzen determined that, based on Amateur Radio Today, we could use 1000 copies for marketing plus 1000 copies for freebies, donors etc.  These should be ready in a few weeks and announcements have been sent out.  Fred Friendly Seminars will have two national TV specials on PBS, Sept 12 & 19, for which local PBS stations around the country are being asked to have local panels and activities LIVE in studio.  The topic is emergency preparedness.  I have contacted the seminar people and they are willing to plug the Amateur Radio angle in emergency preparedness in their promotions.  Special email was sent to Section Managers advising them of this and encouraging them to choose who should represent them to the local PBS stations for these events.  This will be followed up with announcements to PIOs and clubs later this week, after the SMs have a chance to act on it.  BPL interviews included Compliance Engineering Magazine and National Journal Magazine, plus many written responses to other publications.  Information has been sent to all TV stations and major papers in CT regarding the Teachers Institute this week and calls will be made to encourage coverage on Friday (when the robots are done) as this is the most “visual” day of the week.  Contact! is done for August and being reviewed by the PR committee.  It includes requests for Hello video clips and ideas for the introductory website.


Larry Wolfgang is spending the next three weeks as the League's representative at the Scouting national Jamboree.

Rick Lindquist reports The ARRL Letter, Vol. 24, No. 28, distributed to 66,366 members on July 22.  It was a busy news week.  Rick prepared/edited reports on the ARRL Board meeting, ARRL awards, the FCC NPRM&O proposing to eliminate the Morse code requirement for all license classes, Amateur Radio activity wit respect to Hurricane Emily, K2BSA/4 on the air from National Scout Jamboree, the Web youth column and several announcements and news briefs.  Rick also completed work on the "Happenings" column (which required a remake because of the breaking FCC story) and on the Board of Directors story (collaborating with Dave Patton) for September QST.  Rick voiced, edited and produced ARRL Audio News for July 22.

New printings of APRS: Moving Hams on Radio and the Internet, Now You’re Talking and the General Class Licence Manual have been sent to the printer.



Ed Hare talked with a reporter from a well-respected engineering magazine, Compliance Engineering.  She was persuaded that their “cautious” approach to BPL in their past articles was well warranted.  They intend to ensure that interference issues are presented fairly in future articles, though they have no immediate article plans.  In 2003, they ran a feature article, EMC: The Impact of Power Line Communications, Part 1,  There was no Part II.

Ed and Dave Sumner have been in contact with a representative from United Illuminating, the operator of the BPL system in Shelton, CT.  They have agreed to a joint site visit sometime next week (this week by the time you read this).

The San Diego BPL system will be operated by San Diego Gas and Electric.  It is getting ready to come on line. SDG&E is working with a group of local stakeholders, including amateur radio.  Ed Hare has talked with their engineering staff. Dick Norton, the Southwestern Division Director, is forming a local BPL team.  Their initial trial will consist of 10 installations operated in the homes of SDG&E employees.  They intend to evaluate different types of BPL equipment in separated geographical locations.  Their initial testing will be done using Ambient equipment (of Briarcliff Manor, NY fame).  Also, Ed learned of a new trial about to start under the control of Long Island Power Association, but no equipment details are available.

Technical Information Service

Over 19 hours of TIS, which includes answering 10 phone calls and 60 emails.

RFI Desk

Mike Gruber is arranging a tour of an EMC testing lab in Massachusetts—to see how professionals measure conducted and radiated emissions.  Mike will also work with them to ensure that we have good correlation between their test results and ours on conducted emissions.

Sales and Marketing

Several new advertisers will be seen in the September 2005 issue of QST, including Ellenbogen Group, Northeastern Communications, Inc., Real Nerds (new QEX advertiser as well), and XPONDR International.

The Advertising Department continues to collect advertising reservations and material for the 2006 Handbook and is wrapping up work on QEX and NCJ.

The latest Dealer Newsline will be mailed early this week.  It features a free desk copy of Amateur Radio on the Move when ordered by August 20 and offers dealers the opportunity to pre-order The ARRL Handbook 2006 edition by September 30 and receive the special ARRL Handbook Anniversary Offer.  Dealers will pay an additional fee of $2.00 per copy.

Sent email with updates for the online catalog for EC-012 and EC-013.  Sent out mentor calls for 3 courses and received 58 responses.  I am noticing an increase in the number of students who are registering for the online technical course, especially the Antenna Modeling course and the Technician license course.

Di completed the $10 Graduation reward form.  They will begin going out in the graduation packages this week.

We have received 11 registrations as a result of a solicitation to 250 mentors, and we are researching many aspects of the online courses and their possibilities--CEU, new course, multimedia, course updates, etc.

(Another good week for registrations!)

ON-LINE COURSES Registrations

During this week        Graduations    
Antenna Modeling (EC-004)       1       0      
HF Digital  (EC-005)    1       0      
RFI (EC-006)    0       0      
HF/VHF  (EC-008)        0       0      
Antenna Design and Construction (EC-009)        1       0      
Technician Licensing  (EC-010)  3       0      
Propagation  (EC-011)   0       0      
Analog Electronics  (EC-012)    8       0      
Digital Electronics  (EC-013)   10      0      
Emergency Comm.  Level 1 (EC-001)       Not open

1by US mail     40     
Emergency Comm.  Level 2 (EC-002)       Not open

2 by US mail    21     
Emergency Comm.  Level 3 (EC-003)       28

3 by US mail    10     

Membership Services

Awards Branch

WAS QSL Cards Checked   250    
WAS Certs. (350 QSLs F/C)       7      
WAS Certs. (350 QSLs ES/C)      7      
5BWAS Award     1      
WAS End. (50 QSLs ES/C) 1      
Member Inquiry  1      
Replacement Awards      3      
A-1 Op. Noms.   5      
VUCC Backfill Apps.     9      
Grids   428    
VUCC Initial Apps.      2      
Grids   214    
VUCC End. Apps. 2      
Grids   35     
Awards Mailed   15     

Processing Status: Current or up to three weeks.  For the coming week—VUCC and A-1 Operator awards, Extra Class certificates, foreign WACs, plus mail out the processed awards.

Contest Branch

Gavels for the 2004-2005 contest season were shipped.  Initial data entry for the 2005 June VHF QSO Party was completed.  Data entry for 2005 Field Day continued.  The 2000+ emails in the Field Day queue were each reviewed to verify that they were already submitted via the web applet.  If they were not, the summary sheet was printed for manual data entry.  Approximately 100 emails were sent to stations submitting Field Day results via email but did not include complete information for data entry.  Final edits for the 2005 Phone DX results for QST were done and tables prepared for the web results.  Draft of a rules change for the 2005 EME contest to distinguish assisted from unassisted Single operator entries were done and waiting approval before announcing.

DXCC Branch

For the week of:

July 24, 2005          
Beginning Credits       114,322
Credits Received        9,608  
Credits Processed       23,282 
Ending Credits  100,648

Applications Pending    909    
Processing Time (Conventional)  8.2 Weeks      

Year-to-date (2005)

Credits Received        352,948
Credits Returned        351,272

DXCC is currently mailing applications received on May 26, 2005.  DXCC is currently entering credits received on June 6, 2005.

Tammy Golden (from an agency) began work with DXCC this week.

Logbook of the World

QSO records entered into the system     75,747,954     
QSL records have resulted       3,530,881      
Logs Processed  133,602
Active Certificates     15,209 
Users registered in the system  10,071 
Hybrids Pending Mail    50     

QSL Bureau

There is a one-day processing time delay.  This week, 61 pounds of cards were received from members.  32,900 cards were mailed this week.

Field & Educational Services

The ARISS Team prepared and submitted another grant proposal to Goddard Space Flight Center, since we have concerns about running out of 2005 funds in Oct.  We think we have funds for 2006, since the NASA Explorer Schools are pleased with educational outcomes from ARISS projects they've been a part of in 2005.  For instance, at the NASA Explorer School workshop at Goddard, 35 teachers learned about ham radio, ARISS and satellite technology.  The ARISS Team prepared ESA astronaut Leopold Eyharts for his Tech exam, and he passed; he's back-up crew for Expedition 12.  Rosalie prepared two Power Point presentations for the upcoming ARISS-International meeting.

Field Education Team

Congratulations to Margie Bourgoin who has moved to a full-time job in the Accounting Department!

Gail Iannone sent 15 new club applications to the Executive Committee for their approval.  She sent four hamfest approval letters and one convention approval letter to the sponsoring committees confirming the Division Directors’ approval of their events as ARRL-sanctioned.  She processed six handout and door prize orders and two label requests for upcoming events.  She sent one new club seeking ARRL-affiliation to the Division Director and Section Manager for their approval as well as an acknowledgement letter to the club official.

Norm Fusaro did double duty by covering Margie's area (club updates, exhibit material requests) while she trains for her new position in Accounting.  Norm completed a story for the Web, and attended the NCVEC meeting in Gettysburg, PA, with Maria Somma and Perry Green.

Bill Barrett met with the Citizen Corps rep regarding the ham radio presentation at the upcoming statewide Citizen Corps Council meeting.  Bill also made arrangements with the hams who will do the radio demonstrations.  He also re-confirmed logistics with the people who will attend the Nashville meeting.

Amateur Radio Education & Technology Program

Mark Spencer conducted the teachers' institute in Ohio, and felt that, generally, it was successful.  The bid for equipment for the latest round of ETP grants was received.  Mark is waiting the signed expectation letters from the school principals before proceeding with the equipment purchase.  Mark ordered plaques for the annual education awards, which will be sent to the appropriate Director for presentation.  Preparations for the next two weeks of HQ teachers' institutes are complete; teachers arrive Sunday and depart Saturday.  Mark sent CDs for the ARISS Team's teacher training program for NASA Explorer School teachers conducted this week.

Field Organization/Public Service Team

Steve Ewald joined the Citizen Corps Affiliate's monthly teleconference.  On short notice, Citizen Corps asked all of its affiliates to respond to a brief questionnaire from the Department of Homeland Security, Office of State and Local Coordination and Preparedness.  They will be making a fresh analysis of the nation's capabilities to respond to emergencies of national significance.  Steve took the lead drafting answers for ARRL for the questionnaire, and Rosalie assisted.  Steve posted Allen Pitts' messages to the SM Reflector about an opportunity to promote ham radio during National Preparedness Month (September) on Public Broadcasting Service TV, and the new "ARRL Goes to Washington" video.  We quickly notified SMs about the FCC's NPRM.  SECs have been discussing on their reflector the topic of NIMS and the on-line NIMs FEMA course; some SECs encourage ECs and ARES members to take the course.

Leona Adams sent 30 initial-supply packages to new ARRL Field Organization appointees.  Most of these were emergency-related, such as EC, DEC, and OES.  A new TC, OO and OOC, PIOs and ORSs were added.  Leona processed Section Manager expense reports, and she notes that Wyoming and Los Angeles SM election ballots are continuing to arrive.  Members have until August 19 to return their ballots.

Chuck Skolaut learned that after receiving a report of an intruder being observed on 1805 kHz, several of our OOs and monitoring stations provided supporting information, and a letter was sent to a shortwave broadcast station in Tennessee asking its staff to check out our reports.  A new member from North Carolina was added to the ARRL Monitoring System/Intruder Watch.  With help from the OOs in Alabama, a repeater that did not transmit proper identification has now corrected the situation.  HQ also learned that the Deputy District Attorney of Los Angeles sent a thank you letter to hams in the area for their help in the recent Gerritsen case.

Hurricane Emily struck Mexico and affected the southeastern part of ARRL South Texas Section.  Chuck Skolaut monitored the Hurricane Watch Net and their efforts to inform the National Hurricane Center of the storm's progress.  Steve Ewald kept in touch with the South Texas Section Leaders and ARES teams that prepared and activated.

EmComm Grants

Dan Miller reports great success representing ARRL at the Citizen Corps Conference in Bozeman, Montana.  Our booth was uncontested (it was the one and only booth) and drew all attendees to stop by.  He and several locals, including the SEC and EC, networked with the many representatives from Citizen Corps organizations.  Dan is now preparing for the last trips under the grant -- SE Div Convention in Huntsville, AL and APCO in Denver, CO, both in August.


Dave Patton, NN1N

Special Assistant to the

Chief Executive Officer


Staff Absentee List

Joel Kleinman                   7/22-7/29       Vacation

      ``                                8/10            Vacation

Harold Kramer                   8/19-8/21       Southeast Division Convention, Huntsville, AL

Bob Inderbitzen                 7/25-7/29       Vacation

Dennis Motschenbacher           7/29-7/31       Rocky Mountain Division Convention

John Hennessee                  8/1-8/12        Vacation

Barry Shelley                   8/4-8/5         Vacation

      ``                                8/15-8/19       Vacation

Monique Levesque                8/1-8/5         Vacation

Joe Carcia                      7/29-8/5                Vacation

Karen Isakson                   8/6-8/15                Vacation

Perry Williams                  7/7-9/6         Vacation

Dave Patton                     8/10            Vacation

                                9/16-9/18       W9DXCC

Maria Somma                     7/25-7/29       Vacation

Pam Dzamba                      8/1-8/5         Vacation

Mark Dzamba                     8/1-8/5         Vacation

Janet Rocco                     8/1-8/5         Vacation

Allen Pitts                     8/4-8/8         Texas State Convention

Joel Hallas                     8/12-8/26       Vacation

Steve Capodicasa                        9/5-9/12                Vacation

Rosalie White                   7/29-8/3                ARISS Int’l Meeting

Bob Inderbitzen                 7/25-7/29       Vacation

Dan Henderson                   8/1-8/5         Vacation

      ``                                8/10            Vacation

Wayne Mills                     8/5-8/7         Pacific Northwest Convention

                                8/8-8/12                Vacation

Ed Hare                         8/8-8/12                IEEE EMC Symposium, Chicago, IL

     ``                         8/15-8/17       Vacation

      ``                                8/25-9/2                Vacation

       ``                               9/8-9/9         Club talk in Rochester, NY

Steve Ford                      8/30-9/5                Vacation

Dan Miller                      8/18-8/21       Southeast Division Convention, Huntsville, AL

     ``                         8/21-8/25       APCO Conference, Denver, CO

Joe Bottiglieri                 8/26-9/2                Vacation

       ``                               9/6             Vacation

Dave Sumner                     8/22-9/8                Vacation

                                9/30            Vacation

                                10/3-10/9       IARU R3 Directors meeting and SEANET meeting,
