Good Morning ODV-
Attached please find an FAQ dealing with the Amateur Radio Parity
Act. This document, which was promised at the July Board meeting, explains
in detail what the Act is and does. The FAQ, written by ARRL General
Counsel Imlay W3KD, sets the record straight and debunks the misinformation that
is appearing in social media generated by “self-proclaimed experts,” many of
whom have no stake in the matter and have no understanding of what is entailed
in obtaining a consensus which allows all parties to claim victory and none to
claim a loss.
Please direct all who have questions to the FAQ. I will email the
online link to the document as soon as I have it.
73 de Mike N2YBB
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Mike Lisenco, N2YBB
Director, Hudson
Chairman, ad hoc Legislative Advocacy Committee
ARRL - The
national association for Amateur