FYI – Here’s what Publishing has been doing!


Harold Kramer, WJ1B

Chief Operating Officer


ARRL - The national association for Amateur Radio

860 594 0220


From: Inderbitzen, Bob, NQ1R
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 11:19 AM
To: HQ Staff
Subject: New Books - ARRL's Fall Lineup!


ARRL has a great suite of new books coming -- our “Fall Lineup.” Most of these books get attention in October QST, and will be included within the online catalog during the first weeks of Sept. --Bob


The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications - 2008 (coming first week October)

Early Bird Bonus – ARRL Software Library for Hams CD-ROM v 2.0 – included with each Handbook ordered before October 31, 2007—a $20 value!

Softcover, ARRL Order No. 1018, retail $44.95

Hardcover, ARRL Order No. 1026, retail $59.95


ARRL’s HF Digital Handbook - Fourth Edition (coming first week October)

ARRL Order No. 1034, retail $19.95


ARRL’s Low Power Communication - Third Edition (coming first week October)

Book, ARRL Order No. 1042, retail $19.95

Book with Kit, ARRL Order No. 1042K [includes the MFJ-9340K 40M QRP-Cub CW Transceiver Kit], retail $99.95


FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service (coming end of Aug)

ARRL Order No. 1173, retail $5.95


Antenna Compendium Volume 4

Back by popular demand! This marks the return of this previously discontinued ARRL title, originally published in 1995.

ARRL Order No. 4912, retail $20 (now shipping)


AC Power Interference Handbook), 3rd edition, revised

by Marv Loftness, KB7KK, and published by Percival Technology – an ARRL exclusive! (ARRL is the worldwide distributor for this title)

ARRL Order No. 1103, $34.95 (now shipping)







The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications – 2008

Eighty-Fifth Edition

Early Bird Bonus – ARRL Software Library for Hams CD-ROM v 2.0 – included with each Handbook ordered before October 31, 2007.

Softcover, ISBN 0-87259-101-8, ARRL Order No. 1018, retail $44.95

Hardcover, ISBN 0-87259-102-6, ARRL Order No. 1026, retail $59.95


Unmatched Excellence!


The 2008 ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications uniquely serves both amateur experimenters and industry practitioners, emphasizing connections between basic theory and application. The ARRL Handbook is simply THE Standard in applied electronics and communications.

This 85th edition is both a useful introduction to radio communication and a source for answers to questions about every aspect of the state-of-the-art. Topics include Amateur Radio licensing requirements and operating activities, fundamental and advanced electronics and communications concepts, radio propagation and antenna theory, practical projects, repair techniques, references and much more.

The Handbook includes descriptions for new and emerging wireless technologies involving digital signal processing (DSP) innovations, and radio applications utilizing software and the Internet. The book is filled with valuable references, practical examples and projects.

CD-ROM Included. The CD-ROM at the back of the book includes all of the fully searchable text and illustrations in the printed book, as well as companion software, PC board templates and other support files.


Always Revised!


·         New filter theory and design examples, including a HF/6 meter high-power low-pass filter project

·         Revised and expanded RF safety content—including new insights into RF safety regulations and research

·         New Projects:

o        MKII updated universal QRP transmitter

o        MicroR2 receiver and MicroT2 transmitter

o        ID-O-Matic—10-minute ID timer for individual, repeater or beacon control

o        Simple computer-to-transceiver serial port interface and USB interface

o        Keying adapter to interface vintage radios with modern gear (CW keying or amplifier TR keying)

…and MORE!



Table of Contents

Introduction to Amateur (Ham) Radio

Activities in Amateur Radio


Electrical Fundamentals

Electrical Signals and Components

Real-World Component Characteristics

Component Data and References

Circuit Construction

Modes and Systems

Oscillators and Synthesizers

Mixers, Modulators and Demodulators

RF and AF Filters

EMI / Direction Finding

Receivers and Transmitters

Transceivers, Transverters and Repeaters

DSP and Software Radio Design

Power Supplies

RF Power Amplifiers

Station Layout and Accessories

Propagation of RF Signals

Transmission Lines


Space Communications

Web, Wi-Fi, Wireless and PC Technology

Test Procedures

Troubleshooting and Repair




ARRL’s HF Digital Handbook

Fourth Edition

by Steve Ford, WB8IMY

ISBN 0-87259-103-4

ARRL Order No. 1034, retail $19.95


Join the Digital Race!

ARRL’s HF Digital Handbook is your guide to understanding the most active HF digital communication modes in use today. There is something here for every radio operator—beginners and more advanced operators alike. And, as this technology rapidly advances, your increased understanding of digital communication techniques will make certain that you stay in the race as new modes and methods unfold.

This fourth edition book includes expanded station setup information, discussion of PSKMail and other varieties of PSK, new content on Olivia, DominoEX, HF digital voice and image modes, and Automatic Link Establishment.


Just getting started? All it takes is your sound-card-equipped computer and your HF transceiver. ARRL’s HF Digital Handbook will guide you through the rest!



Assembling Your HF Digital Station




Winlink 2000




G-TOR, MT-63, Throb, Olivia and DominoEX

HF Digital Contesting

HF Digital Voice and Image

Automatic Link Establishment

…and much more!




ARRL’s Low Power Communication

The Art and Science of QRP

Third Edition

by Rich Arland, W3OSS

ISBN 0-87259-104-2

Book, ARRL Order No. 1042, retail $19.95

Book with kit, ARRL Order No. 1042K [MFJ-9340K 40M QRP-Cub CW Transceiver Kit], retail $99.95


Build and operate low-power radio gear—the QRP way!


Welcome to the world of QRP! Now you can explore the excitement of low-power radio operating with this third edition of ARRL’s Low Power Communication:


* Equipment and Station Accessories - commercial gear, kit-building and home-brew

* Antennas – wire beams, loops, dipoles, portable antennas and more

* Operating Strategies – operating techniques, awards, and contesting

* NEW! Emergency Communication – training, planning and more

* NEW! Surplus Military Equipment – restoring and using this classic radio hardware

Plus - QRP calling frequencies, manufacturers…and much more!



Includes the complete assembly manual for the MFJ Cub Transceiver Kit.* You'll enjoy countless hours operating this tiny high performance radio. Build the kit in just a few hours, and you'll be working the world with low-power fun!

*kit sold separately


Rich Arland became a licensed Amateur Radio operator in 1963. He also holds an FCC General Radiotelephone Operator’s License. Rich has authored many articles for ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio, and its monthly journal, QST. He is an avid low-power radio operator and emergency communication volunteer. His newest volume of QRP information is the culmination of many months of research, interviews, antenna experimentation and building projects.




FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service

ARRL Order No. 1173, retail $5.95


Includes the complete Part 97 rules from Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations

Effective February 23, 2007