Hey, take it easy. That is no fun!!! You will be in our thoughts and prayers Bruce. 73, Tuck Bruce Frahm K0BJ wrote:
After having wicked symptoms Wednesday following bad ones Monday and Tuesday, I went to the Colby hospital with suspected gall bladder problems, confirmed with sonogram Thursday.
I had laproscopic surgery Friday noon and a 2.5x too thick gall bladder and large stone were removed.
Lapro recovery time is astounding but the price is the diaphragm referring pain to the right shoulder in many patients. Mine was VERY annoying but lessened after 18 hours and was gone in 30. I checked out 2:30 Saturday and sang in both services this morning (not sure I benefitted the choir much, but the lung exercise was on the orders anyway) and just have to deal with some lingering soreness now.
Lest this start sounding even more like 14.265 on weekday mornings, I'll sign off but I was fascinated with the process and will have a more detailed description for anyone who requests it bfrahm@colby.ixks.com
73 Bruce K0BJ
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