Bob: Bernie McClenny's current status in relation to the ARRL is one of a "contractor". He is not an "employee" of the League under the applicable labor laws. He is compensated under an agreement that provides him a fixed amount for his monthly contribution to QST. 73, Barry, N1VXY ________________________________ From: Bob Vallio [mailto:rbvallio@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 1:57 AM To: arrl-odv Cc: arrl-odv Subject: Daily DX Leadoff Article for 2 JAN Is Bernie McClenny on the League payroll for his QST columns? If he is an employee, perhaps this should be of concern to all of us. Bob -- W6RGG On 1/1/07, dick@pobox.com <dick@pobox.com> wrote: 1 JAN 2007 - 2220 CST I have no idea how many of you subscribe to Bernie McClenny's Daily DX email newsletter. Below is the leadoff for tomorrow's issue. Some people might say that Bernie is stirring the pot a bit about Wayne Mill's resignation. We will all probably receive emails from concerned members. Just what we need - another round of messages from people who will, in most part, have needlessly dire concerns about the ARRL programs and services he mentions below. - Dick, W9GIG ======================================================================== == ======================== *** The Daily DX (c) *** ======================== Volume 11 Number 002 January 2, 2007 Editor/Publisher Bernie McClenny, W3UR ______________________________________________________________________ DX News ______________________________________________________________________ Ah it's great to be back at the keyboard. Hope each of you had a good holiday. I wish each of you a Happy New Year and may you work lots of good DX in 2007! The beginning of a new year is an exciting time for DXers and Contesters. N4AA, Carl Smith, will soon have the results of "The DX Magazine's" 2006 Most Wanted list. Many contest and DX clubs change over to new officers. Many DXpeditioners and Contest ops are working on their plans for their next trip! Yesterday's issue was proof that even in the bottom of the sunspot cycle Amateur Radio DXpeditioners are still on the go. 2007 will no doubt be another exciting year for DXers. In today's issue W1JR, Joe Reisert, has written his annual year in review article (see next section, below). Also assisting in the data collection were DF3CB, K4SAV, N4PJ, N9NS and W2IRT, all of whom worked 250 or more countries during the 2006 calendar year. Congrats to each! I know many of you are curious about the announcement from N7NG, Wayne Mills, over his resignation at the ARRL. I'm kind of bias on this one as I consider Wayne a good friend. Moving that aside for the moment anyone who is an ARRL member or DXCC member should be very concerned with who will step in as the Membership Services Manager! I urge all concerned to voice their thoughts and opinions so that the new person is pro-contesting, pro-DXing and pro-LOTW. We as DXers and contesters need someone who has the same desires and passions to correctly represent us and to give us the needed support for our part of the hobby. I recommend each of you contact your: Section Manager ( http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/org/smlist.html <http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/org/smlist.html> ) Division Director (http://www.arrl.org/divisions/) Contest Advisory Committee member ( http://www.arrl.org/contests/cac.html <http://www.arrl.org/contests/cac.html> ) DXCC Advisory Committee member (http://www.arrl.org/awards/dxcc/advisory.html). This is your ARRL and you need to let them know what you want! Now off my soapbox and on to the DX news. <SNIP>