The existing means for collecting information on public
service and emergency communications events is for the EC to submit it to the
SEC and the SEC includes it in their monthly report to HQ. The problem is that
many ECs don’t report activity and many SECs don’t submit monthly reports to HQ.
Further complicating the situation is that when such activity is reported, there
is no standard format that allows for the easy extraction of
Reporting via a web form on would make the process
simple, uniform, and efficient. Information gathered can then be used for the
periodic Report to America updates and ongoing ARRL lobbying
I will be making this motion at the July Board meeting. As
with any other motion I have/will send out, please feel free to offer any tweaks
that you believe would make it a better motion. If there is interest, I can
schedule one or more GoToMeeting sessions between now and the Board meeting to
discuss this or any other motions.
Thanks & 73,
WHEREAS the central gathering of information on amateur radio
activities involving public service or emergency communications is vitally
important for the League to be able to educate and inform the public of our
contributions; and
WHEREAS the central gathering of information concerning the
financial impact of amateur radio events such as hamfests and conventions is
needed to be able to educate and inform elected officials and other government
THEREFORE the ARRL Board of Directors directs Headquarters
Staff to work with the Public Relations Committee (PRC) to design and implement
a web based reporting form to gather information on public service and emergency
communications events where amateur radio operators performed services and
amateur radio events such as hamfests and conventions. Information submitted via
the form will be available to any Headquarters Staff needing it, the PRC
members, the Section Manager(s) for the reported events, and the Board. The
reporting system should be implemented as quickly as possible, but not later
than January 1, 2015.
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