FYI. Amateur Radio W6ROD ARRL Int’l Affairs Vice President Begin forwarded message:
From: IARU REGION 2 <region2iaru@gmail.com> Date: November 30, 2020 at 10:39:38 AM PST To: IARU REGION 2 <IARU-R2-News@lists.kkn.net> Subject: [IARU-R2-News 939] Opportunity to Participate in Eclipse Propagation Experiment
HamSCI (www.hamsci.org) is looking for amateur radio operators to help with a global campaign observing the ionospheric effects of the December 14 eclipse across South America. Data collection requires an HF radio connected to a computer. To participate, tune your most stable RF receiver to a 10 MHz time standard station, tune down 1 kHz so that you hear the station's carrier signal, and follow the instructions on the HamSCI website to make a recording of the signals you hear. Record and upload as much as you can the week of December 9th through December 16th, and researchers will use your data to make a more complete picture of the ionosphere during this space weather event. Instructions are available in English, Spanish and Portuguese. There will be 24-hour practice run on December 5.
The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) is a collective of geospace scientists and ham radio operators dedicated to the advancement of science through amateur radio. (You can join the mailing list here.) The December 2020 Eclipse Festival is a pilot experiment for HamSCI's Personal Space Weather Station project, which is an NSF-supported effort to build a distributed network of geospace instruments hosted by ham radio operators and other citizen scientists.
Details of the eclipse experiment may be found here: https://hamsci.org/december-2020-eclipse-festival-frequency-measurement
Interested operators should sign up at this link (https://forms.gle/C9PFSTeLf7xvCQDYA) or directly contact Kristina Collins at kd8oxt@case.edu.